1. Ketentuan Umum.
Regulasi kosmetik di Filipina dikeluarkan oleh Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
- Semua perusahaan kosmetik harus mendapat License to Operate (LTO) sebelum beroperasi - manufaktur, impor, distribusi dan penjualan kosmetik.
- Perusahaan kosmetik diwajibkan untuk memenuhi persyaratan berdasarkan the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive dan mendapatkan persetujuan untuk produk sebelum dipasarkan.
- Persyaratan pendaftaran kosmetik antara lain memnyampaikan informasi tentang:
- Brand Name
- Product Name
- Variants (if applicable)
- List of Ingredients with percentage and function of each ingredient
- Manufacturer’s name, Address and number
- Company name, address, number and contact person
- Company’s LTO number
- Packaging size and type
- Informasi Label Kosmetik:
- Product content in weight/volume
- Brand and product name along with the function
- Batch number
- Manufacturing/expiry date of the product in clear terms like month/year
- Country of Manufacture
- Instructions/Directions for use
- List of all ingredients
- Special precautions
- Name and address of company or person who placed the product on the market
- 1. Ketentuan Umum.
- 2. Hal penting untuk diperhatikan ketika ekspor kosmetik ke Filipina.