Ekspor Produk Produk (Komponen) Otomotif ke Thailand

Berikut ini informasi persyaratan mutu dan regulasi teknis terkait produk yang akan diekspor ke Thailand.

1. Undang-Undang.

Land Transport Act (Vehicle Act), B.E. 2522 (1979).

Undang-undang ini antara lain mengatur:

  • Registration of Vehicle,
  • Vehicle Dimensions Regulation,
  • Operation of Freight and Passenger Transport,
  • Annual Taxation and Inspection


Lihat selengkapnya disini.

Industrial Product Standards Act, B.E. 2511 (1968).

Undang-undang ini antara lain mengatur:

  • Product Standard Regulations,
  • Emission Standard of Vehicles (in compliance with National Pollution Control Board’s Order)


Lihat selengkapnya disini.

Vehicle Act (MVA) (2522).

Undang-undang ini memberi kewenangan dan tanggung jawab kepada Menteri Perhubungan (Minister of Transport) untuk mengendalikan pelaksanaan undang-undang ini.

Lihat selengkapnya disini.

Undang-undang Lainnya.


2. Regulasi.

2.1 Pedoman Regulasi Kendaraan dan Komponen Otomotif.

Kelompok Peraturan Perundangan:

  • Undang-undang (Act)
  • Kemanan (Safety)
  • Tehnis (Technical), dan
  • Lingkungan (Environmet)



  • Motor Vehicle Act Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) (2522) - transfer from the Royal Police in 1988 – covers motorcycles (L3), motor tricycles (Tuk-Tuk), passenger cars (M1), pick-up trucks (N1)
  • Land Transport Act Land Transport Act (LTA) (2522) - covers buses and trucks


Keamanan (Safety).

  • Requirement for seats, seat anchorages and headrests BE 2560 UN R17 not applicale to spare parts
  • Safety glazing materials for vehicles TIS 2602-2556 (2013) UN R43 applicale to spare parts
  • Seat belts TIS 721-2551 (2008) UN R16.06 New Model: 01.01.2020 All Model: 01.01.2022 applicale to spare parts
  • Seats UN R17 New Model: 01.01.2020 All Model: 01.01.2022
  • Head restraints UN R25 New Model: 01.01.2020 All Model: 01.01.2022 applicale to spare parts
  • Steering equipment UN R79.03 Draft Mandatory 2023 applicale to spare parts


Teknis (Technical).

  • Brake lining for vehicles TIS 97-2557 (2014)
  • Transmission chain TIS 418-2525 (1982)
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinder for internal combustion engines TIS 370-2552 (2009)
  • Tinted float glass TIS 1344-2560 (2017)
  • Gas tank for passenger cars TIS 830-2531 (1988)
  • Small size water cooled diesel engines TIS 787-2551 (2008)
  • Two-stroke gasoline engine lubricating oil TIS 1040-2541 (1998)
  • Warning devices UN R28 M1 & N1: New model: 01.01.2019 All model: 01.01.2021 L3: New model: 01.01.2018 All model: 01.01.2020  applicale to spare parts
  • Glass UN R43 Yes
  • Passenger vehicle tyres UN R30 TIS 2718-2560 (2017) applicale to spare parts
  • Commercial vehicle tyres UN R54 TIS 2719-2560 (2017) applicale to spare parts
  • Tyre (L category) UN 75 Yes
  • Speedometer UN R39 applicale to spare parts
  • Audible warning device UN R 28 Yes
  • Braking system UN R13 Issued Plan: 2019 New Model: 01.01.2022 All Model: 01.01.2024 applicale to spare parts
  • Braking system (passenger cars) UN R13H applicale to spare parts
  • Requirement for belt anchorages UN R14 E. 2560 applicale to spare parts
  • Mandatory equipment of all seating positions with seat belt or restraint system and seat alert (except folding seat) UN R16 BE 2560 not applicale to spare parts


Lingkungan (Environment).

  • Introduction of emissions standard Euro 4 TIS 2560-2554 (2011)
  • EVAP requirements TIS 2560-2554 (2011)
  • Exhaust emission Emission standards Euro 5 within 2021 UN R83.06 No
  • Emission standards Euro 6 within 2022 UN R83.07 No
  • On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) and EVAP requirement Gasoline: Euro 4 (with OBD & EVAP) Diesel: Euro 5b (with OBD & EVAP) Euro 6b (with OBD & EVAP)
  • Requirements for external noise BE 2559 (2016) No
  • Change in excise duty rates - No
  • Requirement for the use of local language in owners’ manual BE 2522
  • Requirements for approval regulations for exhaust tailpipes MR No 9 (BE 2524 (1981) Ministerial Regulation No 9 No
  • Safety requirements for heavy motor vehicles equipped with compression ignition engines, emissions from engine TIS 2315-2551 (2008
  • Safety requirements for heavy motor vehicles equipped with position ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas, emissions from engine TIS 2320-2552 (2009)
  • Passenger cars powered by an internal combustion engine or hybrid cars M1 and N1 vehicle powered by electric Emission of carbon dioxide, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption and electric range TIS 2335-2558 (2015)
  • Safety requirements Emissions from engine (Motorcycles) TIS 2350-2551 (2008)
  • Safety requirements for positive ignition engine vehicles Emissions from engine TIS 2540-2554 (2011)
  • Safety requirements for light-duty compress ignition engine vehicles Emissions from engine TIS 2550-2554 (2011)
  • Safety requirements for light motor vehicles equipped with positive ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas TIS 2555-2554 (2011)
  • Noise (light-duty vehicle) UN R51 Enforcement: New model: 01.01.2019 Existing model: 01.01.2021 No
  • Noise (L category) UN R41 No
  • Tyre noise UN R117 No
  • Current requirement is CO2-based Excise tax structure UN R101 No
  • Exhaust emission (L category) National requirement: Type 1 test accept only New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) mode Evapo test limit value 2g/test EC97 / 24
  • Sound emissions UN R51.02 New model: 01.01.2019 All model: 01.01.2021


Lihat informasi selengkapnya disini.

2.2 Sertifikasi TISI.

Motor Vehicle Type Approval and Component TISI Certification.

Persyaratan Kendaraan Baru.

Persyaratan berdasarkan Industrial Product Standards Act, B.E. 2511.

  • Heavy Duty Truck Diesel Engine / CNG Engine: Directive 1999/96/EC EURO 3 ¢
  • Light-Duty Vehicle : Directive 1999/102/EC(B) EURO 4


Motor Vehicle and automotive component type approval.

Kendaraan dan komponen otomotif yang dimaksudkan untuk dijual di Thailand diatur oleh regulasi wajib dan harus mengikuti prosedur Motor Vehicle Type Approval sebelum ekspor ysng mencakup  Sertifikasi Keselamatan dan Sertifikasi Emisi yaitu aspek keamanan dan emisi (lingkungan) dibawah pengawasan Department of Land Transport (DLT) dan  The Industrial Standard Institute (TISI).

Motor vehicle type approval adalah prosedur sertifikasi keamanan dan sertifikasi emisi dan sertifikasi “on-board wireless communication system” dan “radar system pada kendaraan yang berada pada National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC)

Thailand Automotive Institute dan beberapa laboratorium menyediakan jasa sertifikasi dengan lingkup diantaranya: sertifikasi komponen otomotif.

2.3 Sertifikasi Komponen Otomotif.

Komponen otomotif yang harus memenuhi persayaratan satandar wajib harus disertifikasi sebelum dipasarkan di Thailand. Terdapat 18 jenis komponen yang harus memenuhi standar wajib, lihat bagian Standar: “Daftar Standar Wajib Kendaraan/Komponen Otomotif”.

Proses Sertifikasi.

  1. Menyampaikan aplikasi untuk sertifikasi (submit application)
  2. Peninjauan dokumen oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi, proses berikutnya ada dua kelompok:
    1. Pemberitahuan pengambilan sampel; pabrik mengirimkan sampel ke Laboratorium Resmi:
      • Pengujian sample
      • Laporan Pengujian
      • Menyampaikan Laporan Pengujian
    2. Inspeksi Pabrik:
      • Laporan Inspeksi Pabrik
      • Menyampaikan Laporan Inspeksi
  3. Peninjauan Laporan Pengujian Sample dan Laporan Inspeksi Pabrik
  4. Mengeluarkan Sertifikat.



  1. Setiap pengujian produk harus dilakukan di laboratorium terakreditasi di Thailand.
  2. Tindak lanjut inspeksi pabrik akan dilakukan setiap tiga tahun


Hal lain yang penting adalah pemenuhan standar IATF 16949, yaitu standar manajemen mutu internasional untuk industri otomotif (international quality management standard for the automotive industry) yang dapat dipersyaratkan di Thailand.

3. Kesepakatan ASEAN.

Selain regulasi Thailand ada baiknya industri otomotif Indonesia juga melihat regulasi tentang otomotif yang disepakati di ASEAN.

Type Approval for Automotive Products

Daftar produk otomotif kategori M1, N1 dan L yang termasuk dalam ruang lingkup regulasi ini adalah sebagai berikut:


Produk Otomotif

Regulasi UN


Braking System



Braking System



Safety-belt anchorage



Safety-belt and Restraint System






Head Restraints



Audible Warning Device



Pneumatic Tyre






Exhaust Emission






Safety Glazing Materials and their Installation



13 Devices for Indirect Vision



14 Exhaust Emission



Sound Emission



Pneumatic Tyre



Pneumatic Tyre



Steering Equipment



Exhaust Emission



ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT)

Kesepakatan ini memperkenalkan arus bebas barang, jasa, investasi dan tenaga kerja terampil, dan aliran modal yang lebih bebas di wilayah tersebut. Agar MEA berakar, pembentukan lingkungan Bea Cukai dan Transportasi yang sepenuhnya harmonis yang menjadi prioritas utama. Kesepakatan ini dibuat berdasarkan ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS).

Penting untuk diketahui pelaku industri Indonesia tentang kerangka kesepakatan ASEAN ini, didalamnya terdapat kewajiban pemerintah negara anggota ASEAN terkait dengan antara lain:  Types and Quantity of Road Vehicles, Technical Requirements of Vehicles yang dapat dipenuhi/didukung oleh industri otomotif.

Protokol Kerangka Kerja ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit:

Protocol 1:     Establishment of Transit Transport Routes and Facilities

Protocol 2:     Establishment of Frontier Posts

Protocol 3:     Types and Quantity of Road Vehicles

Protocol 4:     Technical Requirements of Vehicles

Protocol 5:     ASEAN Scheme of Motor Vehicle Insurance

Protocol 6:     Railways Border and Interchange Stations

Protocol 7:     Technical Appendix – Customs Transit Systems

Protocol 8:     Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Protocol 9:     Dangerous Goods

4. Standar.

Standar Emisi Kendaraan.

Standar emisi kendaraan ringan - mobil penumpang dan kendaraan komersial ringan—dirangkum dalam tabel berikut.

Emission Standards for Light-Duty Vehicles


Euro 1

TIS 1440-2540 gasoline
TIS 1435-2540 diesel


Euro 2

TIS 1870-2542 gasoline
TIS 1870-2542 diesel


Euro 3a

TSI 2160-2546 gasoline
TSI 2155-2546 diesel


Euro 4b


a Without EOBD
b With EOBD, without in-use conformity

Tabel Standar emisi untuk mesin kendaraan berat (truk dan bus)

Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines


Euro I



Euro II

TIS 1295-1998


Euro III

TIS 2315-2550


Euro IV

TIS 2315-2551

Standar emisi lainnya, antara lain:

  • TIS 1085-2538 Gasoline engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine. Specifies limits for gaseous pollutants (i.e. hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen) emitted with the exhaust from gasoline engined vehicles based on reference mass. Applies to passenger cars not exceeding 9 seats and trucks not exceeding 3 500 kg in gross mass. Prescribes 3 types of test: (verifying emission after cold start; verifying carbon monoxide concentration a tidling speed; and inspecting crankcase emission). Includes marking, labelling, sampling and criteria for conformity, testing.
  • TIS 1105-2535 Motorcycles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 1. This standard covers only motorcycle with having mass less than 400 kg, having maximum design speed more than 50 km/hrs, and cylinder volume exceed 50 cm³. Specifies general requirements, mark and labels, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing.
  • TIS 1140-2536 Light duty diesel engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 1. Specifies limits for gaseous pollutants (i.e. carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen and black smoke) emitted with the exhaust from light duty diesel engined vehicles based on engine capacities. Applies to passenger cars not exceeding 9 in seats, trucks not exceeding 3 500 kg in gross mass, and cars (seats unlimited) modified from trucks not exceeding 3 500 kg in gross mass. Prescribes 3 types of test, i.e. verifying emission after cold start; verifying carbonmonoxide concentration at idling speed and inspecting emission atcrank case and inspecting black smoke with anti-pollution devices. Includes marking, labelling, sampling and criteria for conformity, testing.
  • TIS 1180(1)-2538 Heavy duty diesel engined vehicles: Safety requirements; emission from engine, level 1. Specifies limits for gaseous pollutants (i.e. carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons,oxides of nitrogen and working condition. Includes marking, labelling, samplingand criteria for conformity, testing. black smoke) emitted with the exhaust fromdiesel engined vehicles. Applies to passenger cars with more than 9 seats andtrucks exceeding 3 500 kg in gross mass as obtained from the simulation of actual.
  • TIS 1285-2538 Light duty diesel engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 2. Applies to vehicles of all capacities. Specifies level 2as limits for gaseous pollutants emitted with the exhaust from light duty engined vehicles conforming to TIS 1140, adding requirements for particulate pollutants and for durability of pollution control device. Includes marking, labelling, sampling and criteria for conformity, testing.
  • TIS 1290-2538 Heavy duty diesel engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 2. This standard specifies general requirements, mark and labels, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing for heavy duty diesel engined vehicles.
  • TIS 1305-2538 Motorcycles, engine capacity not exceeding 110 cubic centimeters: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 3
  • TIS 1355-2539 Motorcycles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 3: engine capacity not exceeding 125 cubic centimetres.
  • TIS 1360-2539 Motorcycles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 3. Covers motorcycles having capacity more than 50 cubic centimetres. Specifies general characteristic, packaging, mark and label, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing.
  • TIS 1365-2539 Gasoline engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 4. Covers safety requirements for emission and reisstant of pollution control device. Specifies making, general characteristic, packaging, mark and label, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing for gasoline engined vehicles.


Daftar Standar Wajib Kendaraan/Komponen Otomotif.

  • TIS 341-2543 (2000) Motorcycle exhaust muffler. This industry standard defines materials, components and neatness. Required features Markings and labels Sampling and judging and testing of two- and four-stroke motorcycle exhaust pipes, which do not include motorcycles used on the track.
  • TIS 683-2562 (2019) Inner Tubes for motorcycles and mopeds. This industry standard defines component sizes. Required Feature: Packing Markings & Labels Sampling and judging criteria and testing of motorcycle inner tubes made of natural rubber, hereinafter referred to as "inner tubes"
  • TIS 721-2551 (2008) Seat Belts for Automobiles. This industry standard defines types and models. Required features Markings and labels Seizures, samples and judging criteria, and seat belt testing for automobiles, and covers seat belts installed in vehicles with 3 or more wheels for use by individuals (riders or passengers) who are adults. On a forward-facing or rear-facing seat.
  • TIS 2315-2551 (2008) Heavy motor vehicle equipped with compression ignition engines: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 4. This industry standard requires Required features Markings and labels Sampling and judging criteria and testing of large vehicles with compression ignition engines, hereinafter referred to as "automobiles"
  • TIS 2320-2552 (2009Heavy motor vehicle equipped with position ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 1.  This industry standard requires Required features Markings and labels Sampling and judging criteria and testing of large vehicles with spark-ignition engines that use natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas as fuel. Which goes on. In this standard it is called "automobile"
  • TIS 2540-2554 (2011) Positive ignition engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 8. This Industry Standard Define the desired feature. Markings and labels Seizures, examples and judging criteria testing of vehicles with spark ignition engines.
  • TIS 2550-2554 (2011) Light duty compress ignition engined vehicles: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 7. This Industry Standard Define the desired feature. Markings and labels Seizures, examples and judging criteria testing of vehicles with compression ignition.
  • TIS 2555-2554 (2011) Light motor vehicle equipped with positive ignition engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 1. This industry standard defines the desired characteristics. Markings and labels Seizures and judging criteria Testing of vehicles with spark ignition engines.
  • TIS 2602-2556 (2013) Safety glazing materials for vehicles. This industry standard covers safety glass or any other safety material used as windshield or other glass or as a barrier for specific L type vehicles with body work M, N, O and T, hereinafter referred to as "tempered glass".
  • TIS 2718-2560 (2017) Pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers. This industrial product covers only new inflatable tires designed for use in M type vehicles.1 , N1 , O1 and O2 essentially.
  • TIS 2719-2560 (2017) Pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers. This industry standard covers only new inflatable tires designed for use in M category commercial vehicles.2, M3 , N, O3 and O4 However, tires with the speed category symbol below 80 km/h are not covered.
  • TIS 2720-2560 (2017) Pneumatic tyres for motor cycles and mopeds. This industry standard covers only new inflatable tires designed for use on motorcycles, mopeds and L-type vehicles.
  • TIS 2721-2560 (2019) Rolling sound emission adhesion on wet surfaces and rolling resistance. This industry standard covers noise from tires touching the road surface. Grip on wet ground and rolling resistance of tires New inflatable type For commercial vehicles and trailers type C1, C2 and C3 according to UN Regulation No.117 Revision 3 and as amended pursuant to amendment 2 clause 1, definitions and other details of the product.
  • TIS 2915-2561 (2018) Safety requirements for motorcycle: emission from engine level 7. This industry standard covers Internal combustion motorized motorcycles Type L3 , L4 and L5 According to TIS 2390, hereinafter referred to as "motorcycle".
  • TIS 2979-2562 (2019) Retreaded pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers.  This industry standard covers only re-retreaded bellows tires designed for M type vehicles.2 M3 N O3 and O4.
  • TIS 3018-2563 (2020) Light Duty Compression Ignition Engined Vehicles: Safety Requirements; Emission From Engine, Level 8. This industry standard covers motor vehicles under category M1 M2 N1 N2 according to TIS 2390 that use compression ignition engines and have a reference mass not exceeding 2 610 kg.
  • TIS 3043-2563 (2020) Heavy motor vehicle equipped with possitive ignition engines engines fuelled with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 3. This industry standard covers gas-powered spark ignition engine vehicles. Natural or liquefied petroleum gas as fuel under category M1, M2, N1 and N2 TIS 2390 with a reference mass of more than 2 610 kg and motor vehicles under category M3 and N3, which are further in This standard is referred to as "automobile".
  • TIS 3046-2563 (2020) Heavy motor vehicle equipped with compression ignition engines: safety requirements; emission from engine, level 6. This industry standard covers gas-powered spark ignition engine vehicles. Natural or liquefied petroleum gas as fuel under category M1, M2, N1 and N2 TIS 2390 with a reference mass of more than 2 610 kg and motor vehicles under category M3 and N3, which are further in this standard is referred to as "automobile".


Standar Rem (Brake).

  • TIS 97-2557 Brake linings for vehicles. This standard covers brake pads used in brake pad assemblies and hub pad assemblies for motor vehicles. Friction feature It also defines markings and labels. Seizures and judging criteria and tests.
  • TIS 823-2531 Brake drums for automobiles. This standard defines brakes for automobiles, covering only brakes made of gray cast iron. By determining the quality layer, dimension and tolerance, material and making. Required features marking and labeling Seizures and judging criteria and tests.
  • TIS 839-2558 Road vehicles-brake hose assemblies for Hydraulic brake system used with non-petroleum-base brake. This Industry Standard Specify the test method. Performance and marking of brake hoses with accessories used in Hydraulic braking system of road vehicles with inner diameter Specify 3.2 mm or 4.8 mm for use with non-petroleum brake oils. ISO 4925.
  • TIS 995-2533 Braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers – Vocabulary. Define brake-related terms for road vehicles, including automobiles. This is a definition relating to a system or subsection involved in a brake process or a value showing all or part of such process.
  • TIS 2608-2557 Brake lining assemblies for vehicles. This standard specifies pad assembly and shoe assembly for vehicles. It does not apply to brake lining assemblies seized by the rivet. Also prescribes components, general requirements, mark and labeling, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing.
  • TIS 2810-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric boots for cylinders for drum type hydraulic brake wheel cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (Service temperature 120 °C max.). This standard specifies performance tests for moulded rubber boots used at end closures on drum type wheel brake cylinders. These boots prevent the entrance of dirt and moisture which could cause corrosion and otherwise impair wheel brake operation.
  • TIS 2811-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric boots for drum-type, hydraulic braking wheel cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (Service temperature 100 degrees C max.). This standard specifies performance tests for moulded rubber boots used at end closures on drum-type wheel brake cylinders; these boots are designed to prevent the entrance of dirt and moisture which could cause corrosion and otherwise impair wheel brake operation.
  • TIS 2812-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric cups and seals for seals for cylinders for hydraulic braking systems using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (Service temperature 70 °C max.). This standard specifies performance tests of brake cups and seals for hydraulic braking systems for road vehicles. It does not include requirements relating to chemical composition, tensile strength and elongation of the rubber compound. Disc brake seals are not covered by this standard.
  • TIS 2813-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric cups and seals for cylinders for hydraulic braking systems using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 120 °C max.). This standard specifies performance tests of brake cups and seals for hydraulic braking systems for road vehicles; it does not include requirements relating to chemical composition, tensile strength and elongation of the rubber compound are not included. Disc brake seals are not covered by this standard.
  • TIS 2814-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric seals for hydraulic disc brake cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 150 °C max.). This standard specifies the performance test methods and requirements for elastomeric seals used in road vehicle disc brake cylinders. It is applicable to solid section type seals (square, rectangular, O-ring), mounted stationary in the cylinder bore or on the movable piston of disc brakes.
  • TIS 2815-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric seals for hydraulic disc brake cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (Service temperature 120 °C max.). This standard specifies the performance test methods and requirements for elastomeric seals used in road vehicle disc brake cylinders. It is applicable to solid section type seals (square, rectangular, O-ring), mounted stationary in the cylinder bore or on the movable piston of disc brakes.
  • TIS 2816-2560 Road vehicles - Elastomeric seals for hydraulic disc brake cylinders using a petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 120 °C max.). This standard specifies the performance test methods and requirements for elastomeric seals used in road vehicle disc brake cylinders.  
  • TIS 3257-2564 intelligent transport systems - Emergency electronic brake light systems (EEBL) - Performance requirements and test procedures. This standard contains the basic alert strategy, minimum functionality requirements, basic driver interface elements, minimum requirements for diagnostics and reaction to failure, and performance test procedures for Emergency Electronic Brake Light systems (EEBL). Requirement of performance and testing method for EEBL wireless communication devices and other standards for communication devices are not included in this standard. Specifies scope, reference, vocabulary and definition, symbol and abbreviation, specific characteristic and requirement, performance test method, and bibliography.
  • TIS 3292-2564 Passenger cars with regard to brake assist system (BAS). This standard gives the certificates for vehicle types M1 and N1 that set the brake assist system. Specifies the general chapter, scope, definition, application for certification, certification, requirements, work requirement, testing, evaluation of the impression of the electronic brake assist system type A and B, modification and expansion of model certification, consistency of production, penalties for production inconsistencies, production termination, transitional chapter,and name and address of the technical service unit responsible for the certification test and the accreditation body.



  • TIS 388-2534 Automobile radiators. Specifies types, composition and making, general requirements, marking, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing. This standard applies to automobile radiators or mixture of water and other chemical agent to be as cooling.
  • TIS 1265-2537 Pressure caps for automobile radiators. Specifies classes, size designations, dimensions and tolerances of pressure caps for automobile radiators. Prescribes workmanship (e.g. freedom from fracture, cracks, or warpage), performance (e.g. opening valve pressure, residual pressure, endurance of negative pressure valve), leakage, torsion, physical properties of rubber for making gasket (e.g. hardness, tensile strength, resistance to ozone). Includes marking, labelling, sampling and criteria for conformity, testing.



  • TIS 1465-2550 the protection of the driver against the steering mechanism in the event of impact. Applies to the behaviour of the steering mechanism and to the electrical power train operating on high voltage as well as the high voltage components and systems which are galvanically connected to the high voltage bus of the electrical power train.
  • TIS 1471-2564 Vehicle steering equipment. This standard covers vehicles steering equipment for road vehicles type M, N and O. However, only pneumatic steering equipment is not covered. Automatic steering system and steering systems with operation as defined in ACSF Type B2, Type D or Type E.
  • TIS 2697-2558 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for automobile power-steering systems – Specification. This standard specifies requirements for five types of rubber hose and hose assembly used in automobile power-steering systems, the five types differing in their pressure ratings and volumetric expansion. They are for use with fluids in the temperature range − 40 °C to + 135 °C. This standard is based on performance tests and, in order to take account of technological developments, no requirements are included for specific materials, detailed construction or manufacturing methods.


Kopling (Clutch).

  • TIS 212-2520 Clutch facings for automobiles. This standard specifies type, size, general requirements, marking, samplig and criteria for conformity and clutch facings for automobiles testing and in this standard to be call clutch facings.
  • TIS 708-2530 Clutch discs for automobiles. Covers single dried clutch disc. Classifies by the torsion spring into 3 classes, i.e. plate, spring and rubber. Subclassifies each class according to the press-force spring into 4 type, i.e. rigid, plate cushion, separate cushion and console cushion.


Standar otomotif Thailand dapat dicari disini, melalui kata kunci, misalnya: vehicles.

5. Lembaga Berwenang.

Department of Land Transport, Ministry of Transport

Department of Land Transport (bahasa Thai: กรมการขนส่งทางบก) adalah departemen pemerintah di bawah yurisdiksi Ministry of Transport (Thailand), yang mengawasi transportasi jalan di Thailand, baik publik maupun swasta dan memiliki kewenangan untuk menuntut siapapun yang melanggar undang-undang ini.

The Industrial Standard Institute (TISI), Ministry of Industry.

TISI adalah organisasi standar nasional untuk Thailand, didirikan di bawah Ministry of Industry berdasarkan Industrial Product Standards Act B.E. 2511.
Telephone: 0-2430-6815
75/42 Rama VI Road,
Thung Phayathai,
Bangkok 6

6. Informasi Lainnya.

Diterbitkan pada  03 Aug 2023

Produk (Komponen) Otomotif
  • 1. Undang-Undang.
  • 2. Regulasi.
  • 2.1 Pedoman Regulasi Kendaraan dan Komponen Otomotif.
  • 2.2 Sertifikasi TISI.
  • 2.3 Sertifikasi Komponen Otomotif.
  • 3. Kesepakatan ASEAN.
  • 4. Standar.
  • 5. Lembaga Berwenang.
  • 6. Informasi Lainnya.
Produk Ekspor Lainnya ke Thailand

Temukan teknis dan persyaratan mutu produk ekspor

Semua produk (Thailand)

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