1. Kode HS.
Kode HS untuk minyak nabati dan hewani (edible oils) termasuk pada Bab 15 Animal, vegetable or microbial fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes.
Kode HS ini berlaku untuk seluruh anggota World Customs Organization atau sebagai referensi yang dipergunakan pada perdagangan internasional.
2. Undang-Undang.
2.1 Undang-undang Peraturan Ekspor-Impor
Export-Import Regulations Act.
Undang-undang mengenai ekspor dan impor barang termasuk jasa pengiriman terkait eksportir dan importir. Barang yang dapat diekspor dan diimpor diklasifikasikan ke dalam tiga kategori berikut:
- Barang yang diizinkan: dengan memperhatikan kriteria yang relevan, ekspor atau impor barang tersebut tidak memerlukan lisensi.
- Barang bersyarat: ekspor atau impor barang-barang ini dimungkinkan dengan memperoleh lisensi
- Barang-barang terlarang: ekspor atau impor barang-barang ini (pembelian, penjualan atau konsumsi) dilarang di bawah syariat Islam dan atau oleh hukum.
Undang-undang ini antara lain mengatur:
- Importir, baik pemerintah maupun bukan, harus merujuk secara eksklusif ke Kementerian Perdagangan, untuk mendapat izin (lisensi) impor dan pendaftaran impor (pesanan).
- Semua produk impor tunduk pada pendaftaran pesanan dan perizinan impor dari Kementerian Perdagangan, dengan memperhatikan ketentuan lain yang relevan.
- Izin impor juga berlaku sebagai clearence dan tidak dipersyaratkan perizinan lainnya.
- Dalam kasus di mana standar produk wajib telah ditetapkan untuk impor dan diumumkan melalui Kementerian Perdagangan, serta dalam kasus standar lainnya, importir harus diminta untuk menegaskannya dalam kontrak pembelian dan kertas pendaftaran impor, dan untuk menginstruksikan pemasok untuk memastikan bahwa barang yang dikirim sesuai dengan standar yang ditentukan.
Informasi selengkapnya dapat dilihat disini.
2.2 Undang-undang tentang Bahan Makanan, Minuman, Kosmetik, dan produk higienis.
Kepabeanan bahan makanan, kosmetik dan bahan sanitasi memerlukan izin impor yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Kesehatan dan Pendidikan Kedokteran. Memperoleh lisensi ini harus menunjukkan keamanan bahan atau produk terkait serta kepatuhan terhadap standar wajib yang terkait oleh importir dan penerbitan lisensi tunduk pada pendaftaran produsen dan produk di Kementerian.
3. Regulasi.
Minyak Nabati dan hewani termasuk dalam kelompok bahan makanan, oleh karena itu termasuk dalam regulasi bahwa produk makanan, produk higienis dan kosmetik yang diimpor untuk tujuan komersial atau promosi memerlukan lisensi impor dari Departemen Kesehatan, Pengobatan dan Pendidikan Kedokteran (Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education) untuk proses clearance. Untuk memperoleh lisensi tersebut, importir wajib menyerahkan produk kepada Kementerian Kesehatan dan mengidentifikasi zat yang ditambahkan pada produk untuk pengawetannya.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dari Departemen Kesehatan yang bertanggung jawab untuk pengendalian dan pengawasan produksi, penerbitan sertifikat kesehatan untuk makanan, minuman, kosmetik dan higienis pada produksi lokal dan impor. Formulir aplikasi untuk tinjauan teknis & higienis dapat diakses disini.
Selain itu, untuk produk makanan dan minuman perlu adanya sertifikat halal dari badan standar Iran (INSO) yang merujuk pada standar ISIRI 12000, Halal Food - General Guidelines.
3.1 Label
Berdasarkan market entry handbook Iran, label untuk produk makanan dan minuman harus ditulis dalam bahasa Persia. Ada sejumlah persyaratan pelabelan untuk bahan makanan di Iran yang harus diikuti, rincian yang diperlukan tercantum adalah:
- Nama produk dan merek/merek dagang - Bahan dan aditif (diurutkan berdasarkan kepentingannya).
- Berat bersih (satuan metrik) - Informasi gizi.
- Asal dan nama lemak atau minyak, jika ada – Negara asal.
- Nama dan alamat produsen - Tanggal produksi dan kedaluwarsa pada label asli kemasan dan wadah, tidak ada stiker tambahan yang diperbolehkan.
- Petunjuk penyimpanan, transportasi dan persiapan khusus, jika ada - Daging dan produk daging harus mencantumkan indikasi bahwa telah diproduksi sesuai dengan aturan Islam.
Selain itu, sejak awal tahun 2016, pelabelan lampu lalu lintas gizi (nutritional traffic light) pada kemasan makanan adalah wajib untuk semua makanan baik impor maupun domestik, kecuali untuk produk yang tidak diproses atau diformulasikan secara kimia, seperti sayuran, rempah-rempah, cuka, jus lemon, teh, infus, kopi, madu, kurma, tepung dan barberry.
Nama produk dan ukuran porsi Energi Gula Lemak Garam Asam Lemak Trans |
Sistem lampu lalu lintas nutrisi dirancang dengan menggunakan tiga warna yaitu hijau, oranye dan merah. Masing-masing menunjukkan bahan tingkat rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Perhitungan jumlah dan penetapan warna untuk setiap makanan didasarkan pada jumlah per 100 g makanan padat, 100 mL makanan cair atau ukuran porsi.
Sumber : artikel penelitian berikut ini.
3.2 Pengemasan.
Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk pengemasan produk (makanan dan pertanian) sebagai berikut:
- Semua paket harus menunjukkan berat kotor dalam kilogram atau metrik ton
- Secara umum, semua “marks” pada consiment harus menyertakan informasi penerima dan pelabuhan. Tanda dapat terbaca jelas untuk mempermudah saat kedatangan condigenment(pengiriman).
- Semua barang yang dikirim ke Iran harus dikemas secara memadai untuk melindungi dari penanganan yang kasar, panas yang ekstrem, dan pencurian. Wadah perlu kedap air.
Sumber: General Requirements and Standards for Food and Agriculural imports to Iran.
3.3 Sertifikat Inspeksi.
Berdasarkan List of Goods with technical specifications and special conditions, produk minyak nabati atau hewani (edible oils) yang diimpor harus melampirkan COI (Certificate of Inspection) dari negara asal untuk uji antioksidan. Sedangkan untuk impor minyak zaitun hanya diperbolehkan jika memenuhi standar nasional Iran no. 1446.
3.4 Kandungan Lemak.
Menurut artikel “National food policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran” persentase maksimum yang diizinkan lemak trans dan lemak jenuh pada minyak nabati (edible oils) ditetapkan masing-masing sebesar 2–5% dan 30–65%. Berikut daftar beberapa persentase lemak trans dan lemak jenuh yang diizinkan dalam produk minyak:
Produk | Lemak Trans (%) | Lemak Jenuh (%) |
Penggunaan rumah tangga | ||
Minyak goreng | 2 | 30 |
Minyak semipadat | 2 | 30 |
Margarin meja | 2 | 48 |
Olesan margarin | 2 | 35 |
Minarine | 2 | 60 |
Penggunaan industri Minyak goreng | ||
Minyak goreng | 2 | 45 |
Minarine | 2 | 60 |
Shortening | 5 | 65 |
4. Standar.
Selengkapnya dapat di cek di laman ISIRI atau di laman eurolab.
Standar spesifikasi dan persyaratan
BITT 42 | liquid vegetable oil |
ISIRI 10086 | Crude sunflower oil – Specifications |
ISIRI 10207 | Peppermint oil - Properties |
ISIRI 10208 | General regulation of powdered skimmed milk and vegetable oil mixture |
ISIRI 10209 | general rules for blending sweetened condensed skim milk and vegetable oil |
ISIRI 10210 | General arrangement of evaporated skim milk and vegetable oil mixture |
ISIRI 1184 | Edible soybean oil |
ISIRI 1254 | Edible fats and oils Properties of butter oil (Amendment No. 1) |
ISIRI 1300 | Specifications for edible sunflower oil |
ISIRI 144 | Hydrogenated vegetable oils |
ISIRI 1446 | Specifications for different types of edible olive oil |
ISIRI 1752 | Edible sesame oil |
ISIRI 2392 | Edible fats and oils -Soyabean oil -Specification(Amendment No.1) |
ISIRI 264 | sunflower seeds for oil extraction |
ISIRI 3754 | Peppermint oil specification (mentha spicata linnaeus) |
ISIRI 4467 | Characteristics of crude, neutralized and refined edible palm oil (Amendment No. 1) |
ISIRI 4730 | Laundry soaps based on vegetable oils, fats and fatty acids - specifications |
ISIRI 493 | Edible fats and oils – Sampling |
ISIRI 4935 | Edible low erucic acid rapeseed oil (Amendment No. 1) |
ISIRI 6657 | Edible fats and oils – Rice bran oil – Properties |
ISIRI 6658 | Edible fats and oils – Rice bran oil – Properties |
ISIRI 7412 | Flavor Panel Evaluation of Vegetable Oils |
ISIRI 7684 | Natural essential oil - Clove buds - Specification |
ISIRI 7688 | Cardamom oil[Elettaria cardamom (L.) Maton |
ISIRI 7689 | Natural essential oil - Clove leaves - Specification |
ISIRI 7690 | Natural essential oil - Clove stems - Specification |
ISIRI 804 | specification for peanut oil meal as livestock and poultry feed |
ISIRI 8052 | Cumin oil - Specification |
ISIRI 8053 | Cumin oil - Specification |
ISIRI 8459 | Bay oil [Pimenta racemosa ( Mill.) JWMoore] Specification |
ISIRI 8460 | Rosemary oil (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) - Properties |
ISIRI 8632 | Animal and vegetable oils and fats – Crude cottonseed oil – Specification |
ISIRI 8633 | Animal and vegetable oils and fats – Crudearachis oil (peanut oil)‐ Specification |
ISIRI 8645 | Edible fasts and oils - Storage and transport in bulk - Code of practice |
ISIRI 8920 | Grape seed oil - Specification |
ISIRI 8922 | Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats |
Standar Pengujian Minyak Nabati dan Hewani.
ISIRI 10216 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of the composition of fatty acids at 2 positions of triglyceride molecules Test method |
ISIRI 10494 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils 2 Determination of direct method of thiobarbituric acid value |
ISIRI 10495 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Titer determination |
ISIRI 10501 | Determination of Saponification value of animal and vegetable fats and oils – Test method |
ISIRI 10503 | Olive Oil - Determination of specific extinction ultraviolet Absorption method |
ISIRI 10682 | HPLC Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by HPLC |
ISIRI 10741-1 | Determination of phosphorus content in animal and vegetable fats and oils |
ISIRI 11487-1 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of fat content by pulsed NMR – Part 1: Direct method IC |
ISIRI 11487-2 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of fat content by pulsed NMR – Part 2: Indirect method |
ISIRI 11821 | Olive oil - The global method for the detection of foreign oils in olive oils |
ISIRI 11842 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of degradation of bleachability index (DOBI) |
ISIRI 1255 | Oil and Cooking Oils - Determination of the fat content of butter oil |
ISIRI 1256 | Determination of water content of butter oil by Karl Fischer method |
ISIRI 1447 | Edible fats and oils - Corn oil - Specification and Test methods |
ISIRI 156-1 | Edible fats and oils - Baked shortening - Specification and test methods(Amendment No.1) |
ISIRI 1723 | Vegetable oils and oils - Cottonseed oil - Specification and test methods |
ISIRI 2010 | Vegetable fats and oils - safflower oil - specification and test methods |
ISIRI 321 | Oilseed residues - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content - Test method |
ISIRI 3226 | Testing of fats and oils from natural sources |
ISIRI 3255 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils ‐ Detection and identification of antioxidants ‐ Thin layer chromatographic method |
ISIRI 3734 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of oxidative stability (accelerated oxidation |
ISIRI 4087 | Determination of polar compound content of animal and vegetable fats and oils |
ISIRI 4088 | Animal and vegetable oils - determination of the coater Iron and nickel content - graphite furnace atomic Absorption method |
ISIRI 4090 | Oil preparations of animal and vegetable oils and methyl esters of fatty acids |
ISIRI 4092 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils dilatation determination |
ISIRI 4093 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of anisidine value Test method |
ISIRI 4096 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ultraviolet absorbance |
ISIRI 4178 | Acid value and determination of acidity in edible oils and fats |
ISIRI 4179 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of peroxide value - Determination of iodometric (visual) endpoint |
ISIRI 4291 | Determination of moisture and volatile matter content in edible oils and fats-hot plate, air oven method |
ISIRI 4886 | Determination of iodine value by Hanus method in animal and vegetable fats and oils |
ISIRI 4887 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of melting point (shear point) in an open capillary tube |
ISIRI 4888 | Determination of iodine value in animal and vegetable fats and oils by wijs method |
ISIRI 5107 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils‐ Melting point - Capillary Tube Method |
ISIRI 5108 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of refractive index |
ISIRI 5109 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of Sulfur Content in Canola/Rapeseed Oil |
ISIRI 5110 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of Lovibond color |
ISIRI 5111 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - melting point - wiley methods |
ISIRI 5183 | Method for determination of glucosinolate content of oilseed residues using high performance liquid chromatography |
ISIRI 5255 | Determination of animal and vegetable fats and oils for butyl hydroxy anisole (BHA) and butyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) |
ISIRI 5256 | Determination of standard hydrocarbons in animal and vegetable fats and oils |
ISIRI 5260 | Animal and obtainable fats and oils - CIS - CIS 1, 4 polyunsaturated fatty acid determination by diene structure |
ISIRI 5262 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils – Determination of Ash |
ISIRI 5948 | Edible Fats and Oils - Determination of Gallate Content∙Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometric |
ISIRI 5952 | Edible fats and oils∙ Determination of chlorophyll pigments in crude oil |
ISIRI 6074 | Animal and vegetable oils and oil-smoke flash and fire points-test method |
ISIRI 6075 | Animal and vegetable oils and oil-cold test method |
ISIRI 6076 | Method for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Arsenic |
ISIRI 6077 | Animal and vegetable oils and fat-specific weight test method |
ISIRI 6078 | Animal and vegetable oils and oil-viscosity-test method |
ISIRI 6079 | Animal and vegetable oils and oils-phosphorus-test method |
ISIRI 6080 | Animal and vegetable oils and oil-curly test method |
ISIRI 6081 | Animal and vegetable oils and fat composition of the strol fraction |
ISIRI 6108 | Edible fats and oils Determination of Erucic acid |
ISIRI 6415 | Edible fats and oils - Determination of benzo(a)pyrene content - Reversed phase high performance chromatography method - Test method |
ISIRI 6655 | Edible fats and oils – Pure peanut oil – Specifications and test methods |
ISIRI 6686 | Edible fats and oils - Determination of carotene - Specification |
ISIRI 693 | Edible oils and fats - Determination of the moisture content of butter |
ISIRI 6953 | Edible fats and oils - Determination of propyl gallate - Collimetric method - Test method |
ISIRI 7043 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Halfen - Test method |
ISIRI 7044 | Animal and Vegetable Fats and Oils -Belier index and Renard test of peanut oil -Test methods |
ISIRI 7211 | Edible fats and oils-Determination of tocopherol and tocotrienol content using high-performance liquid |
ISIRI 7309 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol content - Test method |
ISIRI 7410 | Edible fats and oils – Determination of alkalinity – Test method |
ISIRI 7411 | Edible fats and oils – Determination of sediment in crude fats and oils – Centrifugation method |
ISIRI 7413 | Edible fats and oils - Determination of sesame oil with modified villavecchia‐ Test method |
ISIRI 7414 | Edible fats and oils - Determination of visible feet in crude fats and oils - Test method |
ISIRI 7512 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils – Deeping oil – Specification and test methods |
ISIRI 7513 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils – Margarine – Test methods |
ISIRI 7592 | Oilseeds - Sampling |
ISIRI 7593 | Oil seeds – Determination of oil content – Test method (Reference method) |
ISIRI 7661 | Essential oils - Coconut oil, Indonesian type - Specification and test methods |
ISIRI 8034 | Oil seeds - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content - Test method |
ISIRI 8617 | Oil seeds - Determination of acidity of oils - Test method |
ISIRI 8921 | Olive oil – Determination of hot oil – Fitelson method |
ISIRI 9360 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of polymerized triglyceride content by high performance size exclusion chromatography HPSEC |
ISIRI 9404-1 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of stigmastadienes in vegetable oils - Part 1: Method using capillary-column gas chromatography (Reference method |
ISIRI 9404-2 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of stigmastadienes in vegetable oils - Part 2: Method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) |
ISIRI 9438 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of the content of trans fatty acid isomers of vegetable fats and oils - Use of gas chromatographic method - Test method |
ISIRI 9464-2 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of the content of trans fatty acid isomers of vegetable fats and oils - Use of gas chromatographic method - Test method |
ISIRI 9511 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of isolated trans isomers Infrared spectrometry method |
ISIRI 9652 | Specifications and criteria for thermal and electrical energy consumption for the vegetable oil industries, vegetable oil refining and oil cracking |
ISIRI 9670 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of individual and total stroke contents by chromatography Test method |
ISIRI 9672 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of polyethylene type polymers - Test method |
ISIRI 9709 | Animal and vegetable fats and oils - High performance size exclusion chromatography HPSEC determination of monoacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, triacylglycerols and glycerol - Test method |
ISIRI 9710 | Olive oil -Determination of sterene content in refined vegetable oils -Test method |
ISIRI 9711 | Olive Oil - Determination of aliphatic alcohol content by capillary column gas chromatography Test method |
SIRI 9707 | Olive Oil - Determination of wax content by capillary column gas chromatography Test method |