1. Ketentuan.
Sebelum kendaraan atau suku cadang kendaraan diekspor ke Amerika Serikat (AS), harus dipastikan bahwa produk sesuai dengan peraturan Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)) dan Departemen Transportasi (Department of Transportation (DOT) ).
Untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut tentang pedoman impor kendaraan dan kendaraan yang diproduksi untuk dijual di Negara Selain Kanada, kunjungi situs web National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) pada https://icsw.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/import/.
Untuk mengimpor kendaraan bermotor, importir AS harus mengajukan formulir Pernyataan HS-7 - HS-7 Declaration form (tersedia di pelabuhan masuk) pada saat kendaraan diimpor untuk mengidentifikasi dasar masuknya kendaraan ke Amerika Serikat.
2. Persyaratan Impor & Sertifikasi.
2.1 Informasi Umum & Sertifikasi.
- Importation and Certification FAQs (May 2005)
- Vehicle Importation Guidelines (Non-Canadian) (PDF format)(June 2018)
- Temporary Vehicle/Equipment Importation Guidelines (July 2016)
- Temporary Importation of a Motor Vehicle/Equipment Under Box 7 on the HS-7 Form (PDF format)(July 2016)
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Guidance (December 2009)
2.2 Jenis Kendaran yang dapat diimpor.
- List of Nonconforming Vehicles Eligible for Importation (December 2015)
- Status of Pending Vehicle Import Eligibility Petitions (August 2017)
- Show or Display. Importing a Vehicle for Show or Display Purposes.
- Copy of Federal Register Notice (PDF format)
- How to Import a Motor Vehicle for Show or Display (October 2012)
- Applications
- Application for permission to import a specific motor vehicle for show or display (PDF format) (July 2014)
- Application for determination that a motor vehicle is eligible for show or display (PDF format) (July 2014)
- Approved/Disapproved Vehicle List (February 2017)
- Importing a Vehicle for Racing Purposes
3. Standar.
Komponen Otomotif di Amerika Serikat distandarkan oleh ASTM, Standar ASTM: Memfasilitasi Kualitas dalam Rantai Pasokan Otomotif.
ASTM singkatan dari American Society for Testing And Materials, merupakan sumber standar terbesar di dunia (dengan konsensus sukarela) untuk bahan, barang, layanan dan sistem.
- metode pengambilan sampel dan pengujian untuk aspek kesehatan, keselamatan dan kinerja bahan,
- efek agen fisik dan biologi dan bahan kimia , dan
- pedoman keselamatan.
Apabila eksporter Indionesia akan ekspor komponen atau produk consumbles otomotif ke Amerika Serikat, ada baiknya untuk melihat lebih rinci standar terkait dengan otomotif berikut:
- E1136-17: Standard Specification for P195/75R14 Radial Standard Reference Test Tire
- F2838-17: Standard Practice for Accelerated Laboratory Aging of Radial Passenger Car and Light Truck Tires through Load Range E for the Laboratory Generation of Belt Separation
- D7320-17a: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIG, Spark-Ignition Engine
- D7528-17a: Standard Test Method for Bench Oxidation of Engine Oils by ROBO Apparatus
- D6984-17a: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIF, Spark-Ignition Engine
- D7216-17: Standard Test Method for Determining Automotive Engine Oil Compatibility with Typical Seal Elastomers
- D7422-17a: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine Oils in T-12 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Engine
- D5968-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Corrosiveness of Diesel Engine Oil at 121 °C
- D5797-17: Standard Specification for Methanol Fuel Blends (M51–M85) for Methanol-Capable Automotive Spark-Ignition Engines
- D5983-17: Standard Specification for Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (MTBE) for Downstream Blending for Use in Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
- D7862-17: Standard Specification for Butanol for Blending with Gasoline for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
- E2883-13: Standard Guide for Standard Guide for the Evaluation, and Calibration, Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME)
- E501-08(2015): Standard Specification for Standard Rib Tire for Pavement Skid-Resistance Tests
- E524-08(2015): Standard Specification for Standard Smooth Tire for Pavement Skid-Resistance Tests
- D4806-17: Standard Specification for Denatured Fuel Ethanol for Blending with Gasolines for Use as Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel
- F457-04(2017): Standard Test Method for Speed and Distance Calibration of Fifth Wheel Equipped With Either Analog or Digital Instrumentation
- F559-05(2017): Standard Test Method for Measuring Length of Road Test Courses Using a Fifth Wheel
- D4682-13: Standard Specification for Miscibility with Gasoline and Fluidity of Two-Stroke-Cycle Gasoline Engine Lubricants
- D4859-13: Standard Specification for Lubricants for Two-Stroke-Cycle Spark-Ignition Gasoline Engines-TC
- D4742-17: Standard Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Gasoline Automotive Engine Oils by Thin-Film Oxygen Uptake (TFOUT)
- D5798-17: Standard Specification for Ethanol Fuel Blends for Flexible-Fuel Automotive Spark-Ignition Engines
- D4955-89(2016): Standard Practice for Field Evaluation of Automotive Polish
- D7220-12(2017): Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Automotive, Heating, and Jet Fuels by Monochromatic Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
- E2034-99(2017): Standard Practices for Simulating Truck Response to Longitudinal Profiles of Vehicular Traveled Surfaces
- D2000-12(2017): Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications
- E1170-97(2017): Standard Practices for Simulating Vehicular Response to Longitudinal Profiles of Traveled Surfaces
- D5066-91(2017): Standard Test Method for Determination of the Transfer Efficiency Under Production Conditions for Spray Application of Automotive Paints—Weight Basis
- D6486-01(2017): Standard Practice for Short Term Vehicle Service Exposure of Automotive Coatings
- D5967-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine Oils in T-8 Diesel Engine
- D5132-17: Standard Test Method for Horizontal Burning Rate of Polymeric Materials Used in Occupant Compartments of Motor Vehicles
- E1215-93(2017): Standard Specification for Trailers Used for Measuring Vehicular Response to Road Roughness
- E2467-05(2012): Standard Practice for Developing Axle Count Adjustment Factors
- D7549-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Heavy-Duty Engine Oils under High Output Conditions—Caterpillar C13 Test Procedure
- D6593-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils for Inhibition of Deposit Formation in a Spark-Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Gasoline and Operated Under Low-Temperature, Light-Duty Conditions
- D7038-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Moisture Corrosion Resistance of Automotive Gear Lubricants
- D5662-17: Standard Test Method for Determining Automotive Gear Oil Compatibility with Typical Oil Seal Elastomers
- D6121-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Load-Carrying Capacity of Lubricants Under Conditions of Low Speed and High Torque Used for Final Hypoid Drive Axles
- D6681-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils in a High Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine—Caterpillar 1P Test Procedure
- D6923-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils in a High Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine—Caterpillar 1R Test Procedure
- D7452-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the Load Carrying Properties of Lubricants Used for Final Drive Axles, Under Conditions of High Speed and Shock Loading
- D5704-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of the Thermal and Oxidative Stability of Lubricating Oils Used for Manual Transmissions and Final Drive Axles
- D6750-17: Standard Test Methods for Evaluation of Engine Oils in a High-Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine—1K Procedure (0.4 % Fuel Sulfur) and 1N Procedure (0.04 % Fuel Sulfur)
- D7156-17: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Diesel Engine Oils in the T-11 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Diesel Engine
- D4814-17: Standard Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition Engine Fuel