Regulasi Teknis dan Persyaratan Mutu

Ekspor Pangan Olahan ke Korea Selatan

  • Berikut ini informasi persyaratan mutu dan regulasi teknis terkait produk yang akan diekspor ke Korea Selatan.
Pemerintah Korea Selaan menetapkan Sistem Managemen Kemanan Pangan Impor (Imported Food Safety Management System). Sistem Keamanan Pangan ini menjadi sangat penting untuk mencegah kemungkinan adanya zat berbahaya dalam makanan yang diimpor.
Berikut skema impor makanan/pangan di Korea Selatan.
Ekspotir Indonesia harus bekerja sama dengan importir di Korea untuk menjalankan pprosedur impormakanan ke Korea.

Persyaratan wajib yang harus dipenuhi untuk ekspor makanan olahan ke Korea Selatan

Dalam kebijakan impor, Korea Selatan menerapkan beberapa landasan hukum terkait dengan perijinan masuk untuk produk makanan olahan (diluar daging, ikan ,dan unggas), seperti :
  1. Food Sanitation Act ditujukan untuk menjamin higienitas suatu produk secara menyeluruh, sehingga diharapakan bisa meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan masyarakat melalui kemajuan kualitatif produk pangan.
  2. Plant Quarantine Act ditujukan pada segala jenis tanaman, buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran untuk menghindari bahaya penyebaran hama dan penyakit yang dapat disebarkan melalui produk-produk tersebut.
  3. Food Labeling Law merupakan regulasi dimana produsen perlu menyertakan informasi mengenai  produk  makanan  pada  kemasan,  sehingga  konsumen  dapat  memilih  produk sesuai dengan informasi tersebut.
Setiap produk  yang  akan memasuki  pasar  Korea  Selatan  diwajibkan  memenuhi  syarat  dan ketentuan  bedasarkan  kebijakan  diatas,  dan  untuk  memastikan  keabsahannya  ekspotir  perlu menghubungi instasi terkait serta mengumpulkan dokumen-dokumen terkait dengan bahan baku produksi,  proses  pembuatan,  tujuan  pemasaran  produk,  dan  contoh  produk  sebelum  melalui tahap uji kelayakan produk.
Namun, jika berdasarkan proses manufaktur maupun proses pengemasannya kualitas daripada  produk  tersebut  sudah  memenuhi  syarat  tertentu,  maka  ada  beberapa  pengecualian untuk tidak melalui proses karantina, diantaranya :
  1. Makanan  olahan  yang  dawetkan  dalam   larutan  gula,  larutan  garam,  minyak,  maupun senyawa kimia organic dengan kandungan antiseptic
  2. Produk  dengan  bahan  baku  pilihan  serta  telah  diproses  secara  higienis  sehingga  tidak memungkinkan bagi bakteri maupun hama untuk bertahan hidup
  3. Proses higienitas produk tersebut meliputi :
  4. Buah-buahan yang sudah dipotong, kemudian dikukus, ataupun direbus selama lebih dari lima menit hingga mencapai suhu 90 derajat sebelum dibekukan dalam suhu -17 derajat
  5. Buah-buahan yang sudah dikeringkan maupun diproses dalam suhu tinggi, dan dibungkus dalam wadah kedap udara
  6. Panganan  yang  sudah  diproses  menjadi  bubuk  dan  dikemas  dalam  wadah  kedap udara
Label merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pemasaran produk. Eksportir harus menyertakan label produk maupun label kemasan.

Label Produk
Beberapa hal yang perlu disertakan dalam label produk adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Nama dan jenis produk
  • Negara asal pembuatan
  • Daftar bahan baku utama (termasuk masa jenis dan persentase)
  • Bahan aditif makanan
  • Informasi nilai gizi
  • Saran penyimpanan
  • Nama, alamat, dan no. telp importir
  • Nomor lisensi importir
  • Tanggal produksi
  • Tanggal kadaluarsa
  • Alamat untuk pengembalian barang jika ada kerusakan
  • Peringatan terkait gangguan kesehatan
Label Kemasan
Sejak diberlakukannya sistem eco-labeling di tahun 2009, jumlah produk dengan kemasan  ramah  lingkungan  menjadi  semakin  meningkat  di  pasaran,  Pasalnya  produsen  dapat memperoleh  akreditasi  jika  menyertakan  label  eco-friendly  pada  produknya. Disamping itu, melalui kebijakan ini pemerintah juga telah berhasil mewujudkan prinsip pengolahan sampah 3R (recycle, reuse, dan reduce) di Korea Selatan. Karenanya bagi produsen lokal maupun luar diwajibkan untuk menyertakan label “Pemisahan Sampah” (Segregated Waste Collection) berdasarkan jenis kemasan yang digunakan.
Sebagai  catatan,  untuk  menghindari  masuknya  jenis  logam  beracun,  maka  KFDA menetapkan larangan penggunaan bahan-bahan seperti timah, kadmium, merkuri, dan kromium, diatas  100ppm. Beberapa perusahaan produk makanan olahan di Korea Selatan, seperti Orion misalnya, sudah beralih menggunakan tinta berbasis minyak sayur pada kemasannya sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap lingkungan.

Secara umum, deskripsi isi di kemasan produk perlu memuat:
  • standar kalkulasi “sekali saji” (per serving)
  • informasi nutrisi “Trans Fatty Acids”
  • Trans Fatty Acids dapat ditulis “0 g” jika kurang dari 0,2 g per sajian.
  • Mengembangkan label untuk produk irradiated foods (makanan yang teradiasi).
  • Membesarkan penulisan tanggal berlaku (expiry date) dan mengatur dimana menuliskan tanggal tersebut.
  • Memasukkan label “best before” untuk produk makanan yang diatur oleh KFDA
  • Memasukkan label “hypersensitivity” untuk produk makanan yang diatur oleh KFDA (termasuk produk udang)
  • Menghitung prosentase kandungan organik dari total kandungan termasuk garam dan air.
When food and food additives are imported after manufactured by overseas contractor and labeled with the contractee's brand, the contractee must conduct sanitation inspection and product quality inspection in the contractor's facilities
  • Food for special uses (infant formula, growth formula, cereals, all other food products designated for the infant and child market) > Review once per year
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification

Article 30, Clause 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act (prescribing matters including parties to conduct sanitation inspection)
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
When food and food additives are imported after manufactured by overseas contractor and labeled with the contractee's brand, the contractee must conduct sanitation inspection and product quality inspection in the contractor's facilities
Food for special uses (infant formula, growth formula, cereals, all other food products designated for the infant and child market) > Review once per year
Article 30, Clause 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act (prescribing matters including parties to conduct sanitation inspection)
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
When food and food additives are imported after manufactured by overseas contractor and labeled with the contractee's brand, the contractee must conduct sanitation inspection and product quality inspection in the contractor's facilities
Food for special uses (infant formula, growth formula, cereals, all other food products designated for the infant and child market) > Review once per year
Article 30, Clause 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Food Sanitation Act (prescribing matters including parties to conduct sanitation inspection)
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
  • When the product is manufactured by an excellent import business
  • Other food products Review more than once every two years
  • When it is demonstrated that the sanitation level is maintained in accordance with international standards of which the level is equal to, or higher than, the standards set by the KFDA Notification
Registration for Prior Inspection Completion System
To secure safety of food imports by preemptively identifying any food safety hazards in manufacturing and processing facilities either by; conducting onsite inspections or, requiring the exporting country government to administer inspections and report the results.
Legal Basis
  • Article 19 of the Food Sanitation Act and Article 15 of its Enforcement Rule
  • Article 8 of「The Health Function Food Act」and Article 11 of its Enforcement Rule
Pangan Olahan
  • Persyaratan wajib yang harus dipenuhi untuk ekspor makanan olahan ke Korea Selatan
  • Outline
  • Organic Certificate
  • Products Quality Management Service)
  • Details on Inspection of Imported Foods
  • Scope required for Food Import Report
  • Competent Authority
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