1. Undang-Undang.
National Standardization Act, B.E. 2551 (2008).
Undang-undang ini mengatur dan mempromosikan standardisasi nasional di seluruh sektor ekonomi dan sosial di Thailand, memberikan landasan hukum untuk pembuatan standar nasional, mengatur penggunaan standar, dan memberikan kerangka kerja untuk pengembangan sistem standar nasional.
Tujuan utama undang-undang ini adalah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan daya saing industri Thailand di pasar internasional melalui pengembangan dan penerapan standar nasional yang terkini dan relevan dengan kebutuhan industri dan konsumen. Dalam hal ini, undang-undang ini memperkuat peran Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) sebagai lembaga yang bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan, pengesahan, dan penerapan standar nasional.
Selain itu, undang-undang ini juga mengatur tentang sanksi bagi pelanggar standar nasional, sehingga menjamin kepatuhan terhadap standar nasional dan meningkatkan kualitas dan keamanan produk dan layanan di Thailand.
Consumer Protection Act B.E. 2522 (1979).
Salah satu ketetapan dalam undang-undang ini adalah tetang hak konsumen untuk mendapatkan keterangan dan informasi yang benar dan memadai tentang mutu barang atau jasa serta kebebasan untuk memilih produk.
Salah satu artikel pada undang-undang ini adalah tentang perlindungan konsumen atas pelabelan produk, dimana produk yang diproduksi atau diimpor untuk dijual di Thailand termasuk pada produk yang dikendalikan (label-controlled goods). Lihat informasi selengkapnya disini.
Industrial Standard Act B.E. 2511.
Undang-undang ini mengatur standar produk industri, seperti desain, gambar, penggunaan, bahan yang digunakan untuk produk industri; jenis, tipe, bentuk, ukuran kemasan atau wadah lain untuk barang, nama diri, singkatan, lambang, tanda, warna, nomor dan satuan proses teknis mengenai produk industri.
Lihat informasi selengkapnya disini
2. Standar.
Standar Wajib Besi dan Baja.
- TIS 20-2559 (2016) Steel bars for reinforced concrete: round bars (Effective Date: June 18, 2017). (i) This industry standard defines quality class, size, mass and tolerance criteria. Material Required Characteristics Markings and labels Sampling and judging and Test reinforcing steel bar: Round steel bar, hereinafter referred to as "round steel bar", (ii) This industry standard covers steel bars with a round cross-section length of 3.40 meters or more, which may be used for concrete construction purposes but does not include: Steel bar with round cross-section, which has been announced to set industrial standards.
- TIS 24-2559 (2016) Steel bars for reinforced concrete: deformed bars (Effective Date: June 18, 2017). This industrial standard covers deformed steel with a length of 3.40 meters or more, which may be used to reinforce concrete for general construction applications. This standard is referred to as "deformed steel". The deformed steel defined in this industrial product standard has 3 quality classes. (i) ) SD 30, (ii) SD 40, (iii) SD 50
- TIS 50-2561 (2018) Hot-dip zinc-coated cold reduced flat steel strips, sheets and corrugated sheets (Effective Date: August 27, 2020). (i) Cold rolled flat steel with zinc coating by hot-dip process, the coating has a zinc mass of not less than 97%, made of cold-rolled flat carbon steel only and may be subjected to chemical coating process. Bathing oil to make it more suitable for use, (ii) Cold-rolled flat steel coated with zinc by hot-dip process of coils, strips and cutting plates with a thickness not exceeding 1.80 mm. 3. Cold-rolled flat steel coated with zinc by hot-dip processing of corrugated sheet with a thickness of not less than 0.11 mm, large corrugated sheets with a corrugation distance of 76 mm, a corrugation height of 18 mm and a small corrugated sheet with a corrugation distance of 32 mm, a corrugation height of 9 mm.
- TIS 95-2540 (1997) Steel wires for prestressed concrete (Effective Date: March 30, 2003). (i) This industry standard defines the type, model and type, size, chemical composition, desired attributes, packaging. Markings and labels Sampling and judging criteria and testing of steel wire for prestressed concrete, (ii) This industry product standard covers flat high tensile cold drawn round steel wire. With crimps, chevrons and serrated Stress-relieved types have nominal diameters of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.2 mm, and non-stress-relieved types have nominal diameters of 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 mm. (normal relaxation) and low relaxation type.
- TIS 348-2559 (2016) Low carbon steel wire rods (Effective Date: February 27 2022). (i) This industry standard defines the type, size and tolerance criteria, chemical composition, and desired attributes. Markings and labels Seizures and criteria Settle and test low
carbon wire rod, (ii) Products according to this industrial product standard are not suitable to be used as concrete rebar, (iii) This industry standard does not cover wire rods for making welding wire cores, as well as steel bars and wire rods with round cross-sectional characteristics that have been declared industry product standards, (iv) This industry standard covers steel bars with round cross-sectional characteristics that may be used to make steel wire. - TIS 420-2540 (1997) Steel wires strands for prestressed concrete (Effective Date : March 30, 2003). This industry standard defines the type, model and type, size, chemical composition and making of desired characteristics, packaging. Markings and labels Sampling and judging criteria and testing of stranded steel wire for prestressed concrete.
- TIS 528-2560 (2017) Hot rolled flat steel of commercial and drawing qualities (Effective Date: July 14, 2021). This industry standard does not cover hot-rolled flat carbon steels for use in other purposes that have been defined as industry product standards, such as hot-rolled flat carbon steels for structural
applications. - TIS 1227-2558 (2015) Hot rolled structural steel sections (Effective Date: March 15, 2017). This product covers structural steels made of mild steel (mild steel) by hot rolling, which may be used for structural applications. This standard is called "structural steel" and the steel produced has a cross-section in various shapes. Used in structural applications.
- TIS 1228-2561 (2018) Cold-formed structural steel sections for general structure (Effective Date: February 23, 2021). This industrial standard covers cold-formed and uncoated structural steels made of hot-rolled steel by cold-forming for general structural applications, both prepainted and uncoated, with a specified thickness not exceeding 6.0 mm.
- TIS 1390-2560 (2017) Hot rolled steel sheet piles (Effective Date: January 10, 2021). Define design and class quality, dimension, and tolerance criteria. Chemical composition required features Markings and labels. The hot rolled steel needle is produced by the hot-rolled process.
- TIS 1479-2558 (2015) Hot-rolled carbon steel coil, strip, plate and sheet for general structure (Effective Date: May 27, 2017). This industry standard covers hot-rolled flat steels, both undoped and doped steels. Unalloyed and alloy steels for general structural applications such as bridges, boats, rolling stocks.
- TIS 1499-2563 (2020) Hot-rolled flat steel for welded structure (Effective Date: May 28, 2022). This industrial product standard defines the type, characteristics and quality class, basic mass. Size and tolerance criteria, chemical composition, carbon equivalence, and desired characterization Markings and labels Sampling and judging criteria and carbon steel testing Hot rolled coils, strips, thick sheets and thin sheets for structural welding, assembly.
- TIS 1501-2552 (2009) Hot rolled flat carbon steel for machine structure (Effective Date: April 11, 2011). This industrial standard does not cover hot-rolled flat carbon steel for use in other purposes that have been defined as industrial product standards, such as hot-rolled flat carbon steel for general structural applications. This industry standard does not cover hot-rolled flat carbon steel that is cold-rolled.
- TIS 1735-2563 (2020) Hot-rolled steel strip for pipes and tubes (Effective Date: December 13, 2021). This industrial product standard defines the type, characteristics and quality class, basic mass. Size and tolerance criteria, chemical composition, desired characteristics Markings and labels Sampling and judging criteria and testing of hot-rolled carbon steel, coils and strips for pipe work.
- TIS 1884-2542 (1999) Hot - rolled high strength steel coil strip plate and sheet with improved formability for automobile structural uses (Effective Date: November 4, 2001). This industry standard defines the type, nature and quality class, basic mass. Size and tolerance criteria Chemical composition Required features Markings and labels High tensile hot-rolled steel, coils, strips, thick plates and thin sheets that improve forming properties for automobile structural applications.
- TIS 1999-2560 (2017) Hot-Rolled Flat Steel for Automobile Structral Uses (Effective Date: April 10, 2021). This industry standard defines the type, edge characteristics and quality class, basic mass, size and tolerance criteria, chemical composition, desired characteristics. Markings and labels Sampling and judging and testing of hot-rolled steel, coils, strips, thick sheets and thin sheets for automobile structural applications.
- TIS 2011-2563 (2020) Hot-rolled flat steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance (Effective Date: July 20, 2022). This industry standard covers hot-rolled flat steel with good corrosion resistance in the atmosphere. It is used to make components or parts of vehicles. Steel Towers, Containers and other Structures.
- TIS 2012-2558 (2015) Cold reduced carbon steel coil, strip and sheet of commercial and drawing qualities (Effective Date: November 27, 2017). This industry standard covers cold-rolled flat steels, doped steels, Alloy steel and unalloyed steel for general purpose and drawing.
- TIS 2060-2560 (2017) Hot-rolled flat steel for gas cylinders (Effective Date: February 23, 2021). This industry standard covers hot-rolled flat steel with a thickness of up to 6 mm, both undoped and doped steel. This industry standard covers hot-rolled carbon steel, coils, strips, thick sheets and thin sheets for use in making gas cylinders assembled by welding with a capacity of not more than 500 liters. Acetylene gas Different types of freon gas.
- TIS 2140-2560 (2017) Cold Reduced Flat Steel For Auto Mobile Uses (Effective Date: April 10, 2021). This industry standard defines the type, edge style, quality class and basic mass symbol. Dimensions and tolerances: chemical composition, desired characteristics Markings and labels Cold rolled steel, coils, strips and cutting plates used to make body structures and auto parts.
- TIS 2223-2558 (2015) Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Cold Reduced Flat Carbon Steel Of Commercial And Drawing Qualities (Effective Date: March 20, 2017). This industry standard covers only electrolytically processed single-sided or two-sided galvanized steel sheets, coils, strips and cutting plates made of cold-rolled flat carbon steel with a thickness not exceeding 2.30 mm. Chemical coating process, oil bathing to make it more suitable for use.
- TIS 1501-2564 (2021) Hot-rolled flat steel for machine structure use (Effective Date: December 17, 2023). This industry standard covers hot-rolled flat steel for mechanical structures both undoped and doped steel. Unalloyed and alloy steels have a uniform cross-section. Generally delivered in the form of use, after additional processes such as hammering, trimming, and thermal processing.
- TIS 1884-2564 (2021) Hot-rolled high strength steel coil strip plate and sheet with improved formability for automobile structural uses (Effective Date: December 17, 2023). This industry standard covers hot-rolled, high-tensile flat steel that improves forming properties. For automobile structural work, both undoped steel and doped steel (unalloyed alloy steels) in general. It is used for making automobile structures, electrical equipment, construction materials, etc.
- TIS 3243-2564 (2021) Hot-dip Zinc-Coated hot rolled flat steel (Effective Date: December 27, 2023). This industry standard covers hot-rolled flat steel with zinc coating by hot-dip processing for making building materials. It is made by using hot-rolled flat steel to be coated with a substance whose main component is zinc to improve rust protection properties and may be processed chemically and oil coating to be more suitable for use. They are both delivered in sheets and in rolls.
Contoh Standar Sukarela Besi dan Baja.
- TIS 50-2565 Hot-dip zinc-coated cold reduced flat steel.
- TIS 55-2562 Flat and square steel bars.
- TIS 107-2561 Carbon steel tubes for general structure.
- 138-2562 Steel binding wires.
- 163-2535 Annealed low carbon steel wires.
- 194-2535 Ordinary low carbon steel wires.
- 238-2520 Galvanized mild steel water tanks.
Lihat standar lainnya disini.
3. Lembaga Berwenang.
Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI).
TISI adalah lembaga pemerintah yang bertanggung jawab atas pengembangan, pengesahan, dan penerapan standar nasional di Thailand. TISI berfungsi sebagai pusat pengembangan standar nasional dan lembaga yang mempromosikan penggunaan standar nasional di seluruh sektor ekonomi dan sosial di Thailand.