- Tekstil dan produk tekstil di Belarus termasuk dalam kategori produk industri ringan.
- Persyaratan mutu keamanan tekstil dan produk tekstil diatur dengan regulasi teknis EAEU: TR CU 017 / 2011 On Safety of Light Industry Products.
- Regulasi teknis ini diterapkan untuk penegakan persyaratan wajib yang seragam pada produk industri ringan, selain itu, regulasi teknis ini diterapkan untuk menjamin peredaran produk secara bebas di kawasan pabean negara-negara anggota EAEU.
Ruang Lingkup
- tekstil
- pakaian
- karpet dan penutup lantai buatan mesin
- barang-barang kulit
- barang kempa dan non-anyaman
- sepatu
- bulu dan pakaian yang terbuat dari bulu
- kulit imitasi
- dapur dan linen meja
- handuk dan handuk mandi
- kain dan handuk
- produk bekas dan produk yang sudah di pakai
- barang yang dibuat khusus
- produk medis
- pakaian khusus, seragam, peralatan pelindung - APD dan zat untuk produk tersebut
- pakaian untuk anak-anak
- tekstil dan kain untuk pembuatan bahan kemasan untuk keperluan industri, souvenir dan kerajinan
- seragam dan produk olahraga
- wig, dll.
Daftar produk (tekstil) yang diatur Regulasi Teknis ini dapat dilihat pada Lampiran I (Appendix 1) dan persyaratan rinci dapat dilihat pada Regulasi Teknis TR CU 017/2011.
Persyaratan Produk untuk Bahan dan Produk Tekstil
- Bahan tekstil, produk tekstil, dan pakaian ditandai oleh keamanan biologis dan kimia, yang indikatornya diatur menurut fungsi dan komposisi bahan baku.
- Mengacu pada tujuan pemakaian dan bidang kontak dengan tubuh manusia, produk tekstil (pakaian) dikelompokan menjadi produk lapisan pertama, kedua dan ketiga.
- Produk lapisan pertama mencakup produk yang memiliki kontak langsung dengan kulit manusia, seperti pakaian dalam dan linen tempat tidur, produk korset dan mandi, topi musim panas, kaus kaki, syal hidung, serta produk syal lainnya.
- Produk lapis kedua mencakup produk yang memiliki kontak terbatas dengan kulit manusia, seperti gaun, blus, kemeja, celana panjang, rok, jas tak bergaris, sweater, jumper, pullover, topi (kecuali topi musim panas), sarung tangan, Sarung tangan, kaus kaki dari produk untuk musim dingin serta produk sejenis lainnya.
- Produk lapis ketigamencakup produk yang dirancang untuk dikenakan di atas lapisan pakaian kedua, seperti mantel, mantel pendek, jaket, jas hujan, dan produk sejenis lainnya.
- Keselamatn biologi dan kimia tekstil dan produk tekstil harus memenuhi standar yang ditentukan dalam Lampiran 2 (Appendix 2) Regulasi Teknis ini, mengenai isolasi bahan kimia berbahaya (parameter migrasi) pada bahan tekstil, produk tekstil dan pakaian agar tidak melebihi standar yang ditentukan dalam Lampiran 2 dan 3 dari regulasi teknis ini.
- Penggunaan bahan kimia yang midah menguap pada teksil dan produk tekstil tidak boleh melebihi batas yang ditentukan dalam Lampiran 4 (Appendix 4) Regulasei Teknis ini.
Persyaratan Pelabelan
- nama produk;
- nama negara pembuat;
- nama perusahaan atau penjual atau orang yang diotorisasi oleh perusahaan;
- alamat perusahaan atau penjual atau orang yang diotorisasi oleh perusahaan;
- ukuran produk;
- komposisi bahan baku;
- merek dagang (jika ada);
- satu tanda produk di negara pasar - anggota Customs Union;
- garansi pabrik (jika perlu);
- tanggal produksi;
- jenis dan fraksi berat (persentase) dari bahan baku (permukaan tumpukan untuk karpet dan produk mereka). Penyimpangan isi bahan baku yang sebenarnya tidak boleh melebihi + 5 persen;
- potong berat pada kelembaban dinormalisasi (untuk kain rajutan);
- tahan luntur warna (untuk rajutan dan kain tekstil);
- jenis hasil akhir (jika ada);
- jenis dan fraksi massa (persentase) dari bahan baku alami dan kimia dalam bahan bagian atas dan lapisan produk. Penyimpangan dari kandungan bahan baku yang sebenarnya tidak boleh melebihi 5 persen;
- model;
- simbol perawatan produk;
- instruksi pada fitur merawat produk selama operasi (jika perlu).
- jenis dan fraksi massa (persentase) dari bahan baku. Persentase bahan baku ditunjukkan dalam bentuk nilai standar dengan toleransi +/- 5 persen (kecuali untuk bahan non-anyaman);
- massa potongan pada kelembaban dinormalisasi (untuk kain rajutan);
- tahan luntur warna (untuk kain rajutan dan tekstil);
- jenis penyelesaian (jika ada);
- simbol perawatan produk.
Khusus produk impor, informasi mengenai nama negara di mana produk itu diproduksi, nama dan alamat resmi produsen harus dicantumkan menggunakan huruf-huruf alfabet Latin.
EAC Marking
- nama produk
- negara asal
- informasi tentang produsen atau perwakilan resmi
- ukuran
- komposisi
- merek dagang (jika tersedia)
- tanda EAC
- jaminan
- tanggal produksi
- nomor seri (jika diperlukan)
- instruksi perawatan
- Informasi harus diberikan dalam bahasa Rusia atau bahasa resmi salah satu negara EAEU tempat produk itu diproduksi.
Standar Tekstil.
No. |
Designation of the standard. Change Information |
Name of standard |
Clothing, products from textile materials, knitwear, finished piece textile products and textile materials used for the manufacture of shoes, clothes and leather goods, leather goods |
1 |
"Knitted fabric for lining polymer shoes. Specifications" |
2 |
"Products and knitted fabrics. Stability standards for coloring methods for its determination" |
3 |
"Knitwear. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage" |
4 |
"Gloves, knitted products. General specifications" |
5 |
"Knitted scarves. General specifications" |
6 |
"The fabric is harsh from natural silk. Specifications" |
7 |
"Linen and half linen linen fabrics. General specifications" |
8 |
"Woven scarves from natural silk and chemical threads. General specifications" |
9 |
"Textile materials. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage" |
10 |
"Silk and semi-silk pile cloths. General specifications" |
11 |
"Fabrics of cotton tent and raincoat. Specifications" |
12 |
"Cotton and blended tics. General specifications" |
13 |
"Silk and semi-silk fabrics and piece goods. Standards of color stability and methods for its determination" |
14 |
"Linen and half-linen fabrics and piece goods. Standards of color stability and methods for its determination" |
15 |
"Fabrics and piece goods, cotton and mixed. Standards for color stability and methods for its determination" |
16 |
"Hosiery products produced on round-hosiery machines. General specifications" |
17 |
"Cotton cloak fabrics with a water-repellent finish. Specifications" |
17_1 |
"Blankets pure-woolen and half-woolen. General specifications" |
(The position was additionally included from January 10, 2013 by the decision of the EEC Board of November 20, 2012 N 235 ) |
18 |
"Scarves, scarves and stoles pure-wool and half-woolen. General specifications" |
19 |
"Silk and semi-silk tie fabrics. General specifications" |
20 |
"Linen, linen and half-linen linen fabrics. General specifications" |
21 |
"Fabrics and piece goods of clean linen, linen and half-linen towels. General specifications" |
22 |
"Linen and half-linen terry fabrics and piece goods. General specifications" |
23 |
"Decorative textile piece goods. General specifications" |
24 |
"Sewing products. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage" |
25 |
"Cotton terry and waffle fabrics and piece goods. General specifications" |
26 |
"Linen and half-linen fabrics multicolored and acidified. General specifications" |
27 |
"Cotton gauze. General specifications" |
28 |
"Cotton handkerchiefs. General specifications" |
29 |
"Headscarves, cotton, blended and of viscose yarn. General specifications" |
30 |
"Fabrics from chemical threads and blended yarn. General specifications" |
31 |
"Woven piece goods and printed fabrics, pure-wool and half-woolen. Norms of color stability and methods for its determination" |
32 |
"Fabrics for linen, linen and half-linen clothes. General specifications" |
33 |
"Hosiery products produced on round-hobbing machines. Technical requirements. Grade determination" |
34 |
"Cotton and blended fabrics with synthetic resins. General specifications" |
35 |
"Canvas stitched from bast fibers. Specifications" |
36 |
"Wadding canvas, woolen. General specifications" |
37 |
"Cotton canvas batting. General specifications" |
38 |
"Shoe fabrics. General specifications" |
39 |
"Lace fabric. General specifications" |
40 |
"Lining fabrics made of chemical threads and yarn. General specifications" |
40_1 |
"Dress fabrics from natural twisted silk. General specifications" |
(The position was additionally included from January 10, 2013 by the decision of the EEC Board of November 20, 2012 N 235 ) |
41 |
"Tablecloths and napkins, clean, linen and half linen. General specifications" |
42 |
"Lace. General specifications" |
43 |
"Cotton and mixed clothing fabrics. General specifications" |
44 |
"Curtain canvas. General specifications" |
45 |
"Decorative cloths. General specifications" |
46 |
"Textile and haberdashery products woven, braided, twisted and knitted, meter and piece. Norms of color stability and methods for its determination" |
47 |
"Furniture Fabrics. General Specifications" |
48 |
"Linen sewing products. General specifications" |
49 |
"Outerwear for dress and blouse assortment. General specifications" |
50 |
"Outerwear of a coat of suit and suit. General specifications" |
51 |
"Cotton and blended blankets. General specifications" |
52 |
"Fabrics for clothes, pure-wool, woolen and half-woolen. General specifications" |
53 |
"Silk and semi-silk dress and dress and costume fabrics. General technical conditions" |
54 |
"Knitted faux fur. General specifications" |
55 |
"Cloak and jacket fabrics of synthetic yarns. General specifications" |
56 |
"Clothes on a fur lining. General specifications" |
57 |
"Knitted fabric. General specifications" |
58 |
"Non-woven terry cloths. General specifications" |
59 |
"Artificial fabric stitching fur. General specifications" |
60 |
"Fabrics for blankets and corsetry of chemical threads and yarn. General specifications" |
61 |
"Corsetry products. General specifications" |
62 |
"Fabrics for haberdashery. General specifications" |
63 |
"Cloak fabrics made of chemical fibers and |
mixed. General specifications " |
64 |
"Fabrics dress, dress-and-costume and costume made of chemical fibers. General specifications" |
65 |
"Cotton and mixed household fabrics. General specifications" |
66 |
"Top shirts. General specifications" |
67 |
"Feather-down products. General specifications" |
68 |
"Textile materials. Maximum allowable concentrations of free formaldehyde" |
69 |
"Bed linen. General specifications" |
70 |
"Knitwear for women and girls. General specifications" |
71 |
"Knitwear for bathing. General specifications" |
72 |
"Knitted underwear for men and boys. General specifications" |
73 |
"Knitwear for women and girls. General specifications" |
74 |
"Knitwear for men and boys. General specifications" |
75 |
"Top shirts. General specifications" |
76 |
"Feather-down products. General specifications" |
77 |
"Clothes on a fur lining. General specifications" |
78 |
"Piece goods. General specifications" |
78_1 |
"Pillows. General specifications" |
(The position was additionally included from January 10, 2013 by the ECE decision of November 20, 2012 N 235 ) |
79 |
"Non-woven terry cloths and piece goods. General specifications" |
80 |
"Corsetry products. General specifications" |
81 |
"Quilts and bedspreads. Quilted. General specifications" |
82 |
"Cotton and mixed household fabrics, harsh and ready-made. General specifications" |
83 |
"Fabrics and piece goods, cotton and mixed terry and waffle. General specifications" |
84 |
"Fabrics for linen, linen and half-linen clothes. General specifications" |
85 |
"Clothing fabrics made of chemical fibers with an investment of wool less than 20%. General specifications" |
86 |
"Pantyhose produced on round-hobbing machines. General specifications" |
87 |
"Hats. General specifications" |
88 |
"Decorative fabrics and piece goods. General specifications" |
89 |
"Knitted pile cloth. General specifications" |
90 |
"Fibers and fabrics, chemical (synthetic). Safety requirements" |
91 |
"Cloths decorative refractory. General specifications" |
92 |
"Non-woven fabrics. General specifications" |
93 |
"Knitted fabric. General specifications" |
94 |
"Textiles. Upholstery. Technical requirements and test methods" |
95 |
"Quilts and bedspreads. Quilted. General specifications" |
96 |
"Sports garments. General technical" |