Ekspor Produk Kakao ke Kyrgyzstan

Berikut ini informasi persyaratan mutu dan regulasi teknis terkait produk yang akan diekspor ke Kyrgyzstan.


Di Kyrgyzstan, kakao dan produk berbahan dasar kakao (produk turunanya) termasuk dalam salah satu produk makanan, oleh karena itu persyaratan mutu kakao di Kyrgyzstan dan negara anggota EAEU lainnya diatur dalam regulasi teknis tentang persyaratan keamaman pangan (TR TS 021/2011), regulasi teknis tentang persyaratan keamanan penggunaan aditif pada makanan (TR TS 029/2012) serta regulasi teknis tentang pelabenan makanan (TR CU 022/2011). Untuk memenuhi persyaratan regulasi teknis tesebut ditetapkan beberapa standar. Apabila produk sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan maka produk  dapat memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan pada regulsai teknis.


Persyaratan Mutu Kakao dan Produk berbahan dasar Kakao.

Microbiological safety standards (pathogenic)


Product group

The mass of the product (g), which is not allowed

including salmonella

Cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate products, flour confectionery


Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-temaurine cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered lauric type cocoa butter substitutes.





Allowed Levels


The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative
anaerobic microorganisms, CFU / g, not more than


Cocoa powder for industrial processing.



Commodity Cocoa Powder

Bacteria of the group of  Escherichia coli
(coliforms) are
not allowed in the
mass of the product, g (cm )


Commodity cocoa powder, for industrial processing.

Mold CFU / g, not more


Cocoa Powder Cakes and pastries: with finishes (protein-whipped, such as soufflé, fruit, fondant, chocolate glaze, fatty, curd-cream, creamy, potato-like, with custard).

CFU / g, not more than


Commodity cocoa powder, for industrial processing.




levels, mg / kg,
not more than


Toxic elements

- lead


Milk fat with the addition of cocoa products; Creamy-vegetable spread, creamy-vegetable melted mixture with the addition of cocoa products.

- cadmium


Concentrates of  creamy vegetable melted mixture with the addition of cocoa products.







Hygienic Food Safety Requirements


levels, mg / kg,
not more than


- lead


Cocoa beans and cocoa products; Honey

- arsenic


Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Products

- cadmium


Chocolate and products from it; cocoa beans and cocoa products

- mercury


Chocolate and products from it; Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Products


  • HCH


Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Products

- DDT and his metabolites


Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Products

Mycotoxins - aflatoxin B


Chocolate and products from it; Cocoa Beans and Cocoa Products



levels, mg / kg,
not more than


Toxic elements



- lead


Milk fat substitutes, cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-lauric type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes,.



Melted vegetable-creamy and vegetable-fatty mixes (with cocoa products).

- arsenic


Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempering non-tempering non-tempered cocoa butter, lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes.

- cadmium


Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes.



Vegetable-fatty mixes (with cocoa products.

- mercury


Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes.



Vegetable-creamy spreads and melted vegetable-creamy mixtures with cocoa products

Pesticides - HCH ( , , isomers)


Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes.

- DDT and its metabolites


Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes.



Persyaratan Kakao dan Produk berbahan dasar Kakao pada regulasi teknis penggunaan aditif makanan antara lain:

Hygienic standards for the use of antioxidants

Nutritional Supplement (E Index)

Food products

Maximum level in production

Isopropyl citrate mixture (E384)

Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempering cocoa butter substitutes, non-lauric cocoa butter.

200 mg / kg

Rosemary extracts (E392), calculated on the sum of carnosol and carnosic acid

Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-lauric type, non-tempered lauric type cocoa butter substitutes with a content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of more than 15 vol.% of the total amount of fatty acids intended for the production of food products without heat treatment

30 mg / kg (per fat product)


Hygienic standards for the use of glaziers

Nutritional Supplement (E Index)

Food products

Maximum level in production

Mineral oil (high viscosity) E905d

Cocoa products, chocolate products, including imitated and chocolate substitutes

2 g / kg



Food products in the production of which the use of dyes is not allowed: cocoa products, chocolate ingredients in confectionery and other products;


Food products in the production of which certain dyes are allowed

Name of food products

Name of additive

Maximum level in production

Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-lauric type cocoa butter, non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, lauric type

Annatto (E160b, biksin, norbiksin)

Carotene (E160a)

Curcumin (E100)

10 mg / kg 


25 mg / kg

5 mg / kg (determined by total curcumin)



Hygienic regulations for the use of dyes

Nutritional Supplement (E Index)

Food products

Maximum level in production

Annatto extracts (E160b, biksin, norbiksin)

Cocoa butter equivalents, SOS-type cocoa butter improvers, POP-type cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, non-tempered cocoa butter substitutes, lauric-type cocoa butter, dehydrated fats

10 mg / kg 



Hygienic Standards for the Use of Sweeteners

Nutritional Supplement (E Index)

Food products

Maximum level in production

Aspartame (E951)

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

2 g / kg

2 g / kg

Aspartame-acesulfame salt (E962) - the maximum level in the product:
acesulfame potassium - AC, aspartame - AS 

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

1 g AC / kg

500 mg AC / kg

 Acesulfame Potassium (E950)

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

1 g / kg

500 mg / kg

Polyhydric alcohols-polyols:
maltitol and maltitol syrup (E965),
isomalt (E953),
mannitol (E421),
sorbitol (E420),
xylitol (E967),
lactitol (E966),
erythritol (E968)

Confectionery: sweets incl. caramel, sugar-free cocoa products

According to the TD

Neohesperidin dihydrochalcon (E959)

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

150 mg / kg

100 mg / kg

Neotam (E961)

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

65 mg / kg

65 mg / kg

Saccharin and its salts of sodium, potassium and calcium (E954) - individually or in combination in terms of saccharin

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

300 mg / kg

500 mg / kg

Sucralose (E955, trichlororgalactosaccharose)

Confectionery with reduced calorie content or without added sugar:

- based on starch

- based on cocoa, dried fruit

1 g / kg

800 mg / kg

Thaumatin (E957)

Confectionery based on cocoa and dried fruits with reduced calorie content or without added sugar

50 mg / kg







Hygienic standards for the use of stabilizers, emulsifiers, fillers and thickeners

Nutritional Supplement (E Index)

Food products

Maximum level in production

Sorbitans, esters of sorbitol and fatty acids, SPENs:

sorbitan monostearate (E491, SPEN 60),

sorbitan tristearate (E492, SPEN 65), sorbitan monolaurate (E493, SPEN 20),
sorbitan monooleate (E494, SPEN 80),

sorbitan monopalmitate (E495, SPEN 40), individually or in combination

Cocoa-based sweets, chocolate (only E492)

10 g / kg

Ammonium phosphatidyl acid salts- (ammonium phosphatides, E442)

Cocoa and Chocolate

Cocoa based candies

10 g / kg

10 g / kg

Polyglycerol esters and inter-esterified ricinol esters acids (Polyglycerol polyiricinolate, E476)

Sugar confectionery based on cocoa and chocolate, chocolate icing

5 g / kg


Food products for which both a list of food additives used "according to TD" and acceptable levels of their use are established

Food products

Nutritional Supplement (E Index)

Maximum level in production

Cocoa and Chocolate Products

Citric Acid (E330)

5 g / kg


Lecithins, phosphatides (E322)

according to TD


Tartaric acid (E334)

5 g / kg


Glycerin (422)

according to TD


Mono - and diglycerides of fatty acids (E471)

according to TD


Esters of glycerol and citric and fatty acids (E472c)

according to TD


Calcium carbonate (E170)
Sodium carbonate (E500)
Potassium carbonate (E501)
Ammonium carbonate (E503)
Magnesium carbonate (E504)
Sodium hydroxide (E524)
Potassium hydroxide (E525)
Calcium hydroxide (E526)
Ammonium hydroxide (E527)
Magnesium hydroxide (E528)
Magnesium Oxide (E530)

70 g / kg of dry fat-free substance in terms of calcium carbonates


Gum arabic (E414)
Pectins (E440)
(only when used as a glazing agent)

according to TD








Persyaratan Pelabelan dan Kemasan:

Pelabelan dan kemasan produk kakao mengacu pada persyaratan pelabelan yang ditetapkan pada Regulasi Teknis TR CU 022/2011.

Persyaratan wajib berikut ini berlaku untuk makanan kemasan, penandaan harus mencakup yang berikut:

  • nama
  • bahan
  • kuantitas
  • tanggal produksi
  • tanggal kadaluarsa
  • persyaratan penyimpanan
  • data tentang pabrikan, surat kuasa atau importir
  • pembatasan penggunaan
  • informasi gizi
  • informasi tentang GMO

Penandaan sertifikasi atau deklarasi EAC

  • Penandaan harus dicetak dalam bahasa Rusia atau dalam bahasa resmi negara anggota EAEU.
  • Penandaan makanan dalam kemasan dapat mencakup informasi tambahan, termasuk merek dagang, informasi tentang pemilik tunggal merek dagang, asal atau penandaan CE.
  • Minuman bebas alkohol yang mengandung lebih dari 150 mg / l kafein atau tanaman obat dan ekstraknya, yang jumlahnya cukup untuk pencapaian efek toning, harus ditandai dengan label yang sesuai "Konsumsi tidak direkomendasikan untuk anak di bawah 18 tahun , wanita hamil dan menyusui, serta orang yang menderita iritabilitas syaraf, insomnia atau hipertensi ".
  • Komponen bahan makanan harus ditunjukkan dalam urutan frekuensi yang menurun.
  • Makanan yang diidentifikasi menurut label harus memastikan klasifikasi makanan serta deskripsi yang benar dan dapat dibedakan dari makanan lain.
  • Dilarang menyebutkan bahan apa pun yang tidak ada dalam penandaan.

Khusus untuk kakao, jenis komopnen produk namanya dapat diganti dengan jenis produk makanan (Types of components, the names of which can be replaced by the names of the types of food products):

Component Types

Names of types of food products

Pressed, extraction or refined cocoa butter

Cacao butter




Standar kakao berikut dapat dijadikan acuan dalam menentukan mutu kakao:

GOST 108-76

Cocoa Powder Technical conditions

GOST 718-84

Canned milk. Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar. Technical conditions

GOST 28931-91

Cocoa butter substitutes. Technical conditions

STB 1203-2000 

Prefabricated chocolate production. Cocoa mass. Technical conditions

STB 1204-2000 

Prefabricated chocolate production. Cocoa oil. Technical conditions

STB 1205-2000 

Prefabricated chocolate production. Cocoa cake and cocoa powder production. Technical conditions

STB 1206-2000 

Prefabricated chocolate production. Ground cocoa shell. Technical conditions



GOST 28928-91

Cocoa butter substitutes. Method for determining the composition of triglycerides

GOST 28929-91

Cocoa butter substitutes. Method for determining the mass fraction of solid triglycerides

GOST 28930-91

Cocoa butter substitutes. Method for determining compatibility with cocoa butter

STB 2014-2009 

Cocoa Beans. Determination of moisture content (conventional method)

STB ISO 1114-2009

Cocoa Beans. Cutting control


Diterbitkan pada  09 Mar 2022

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