1. Undang-Undang.
Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 347-Z On State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities.
Undang-undang ini adalah dasar hukum dari peraturan negara terkait kegiatan perdagangan luar negeri. Hal ini turut mencakup ketentuan mengenai hambatan non-tarif perdagangan seperti hambatan teknis, sanitasi dan fitosanitasi dan lain sebagainya.
2. Kebijakan
Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of 28 May 2010 No. 299
Keputusan tentang penerapan tindakan sanitasi yang memberlakukan persyaratan sanitasi dan higienis di 3 (tiga) negara anggota EAEU yaitu Belarus, Kazakhstan, dan Rusia. Naskah keputusan dapat dilihat disini.
3. Regulasi.
Regulasi teknis EAEU TR 040/2016 on safety of fish and fish products menetapkan persyaratan keselamatan wajib untuk ikan dan makanan laut serta proses produksi, pengemasan, penyimpanan, pembuangan, transportasi dan penjualan untuk perlindungan kehidupan dan kesehatan manusia dan binatang.Selain itu mengatur pencegahan tindakan menyesatkan terhadap konsumen serta untuk memastikan pergerakan barang yang bebas di wilayah Pabean EAEU.
- Produk ikan dari tangkapan sumber daya air hayati dan perikanan budidaya baik yang berasal dari tumbuhan maupun hewan, diproses atau tidak diproses, termasuk produk berikut:
- ikan hidup dan invertebrata air hidup;
- ikan mentah (segar), invertebrata air segar, mamalia air segar, ganggang mentah (segar) dan tanaman air segar;
- invertebrata air rebus dan beku, alga dan tanaman air lainnya;
- produk perikanan dan perikanan budidaya;
- produk perikanan dan perikanan budidaya dingin;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya yang dibekukan di permukaan;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya beku;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya yang dipasteurisasi;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya kering;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya yang diasinkan;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya asap panas;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya asap dingin;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya untuk anak-anak, termasuk makanan pendamping berbahan dasar ikan;
- makanan pelengkap berbahan dasar ikan dan tanaman;
- makanan berbasis ikan;
- produk kuliner ikan dan kuliner setengah jadi;
- isian dari produk perikanan dan budidaya;
- ikan kaleng:
- ikan kaleng alami;
- ikan kaleng alami dengan minyak tambahan;
- ikan semi-diawetkan;
- produk ikan kaviar:
- granular kaviar;
- telur tanpa filter;
- butir kaviar;
- kaviar yang dipasteurisasi;
- menekan kaviar;
- menyaring kaviar;
- Fat lemak yang dapat dimakan dari ikan, invertebrata air dan mamalia air;
- hidrolisat dari produk perikanan dan budidaya;
- produk perikanan dan budidaya yang ditiru.
- Proses produksi, pengemasan, penyimpanan, pembuangan, transportasi dan perdagangan. Regulasi Teknis ini menetapkan persyaratan untuk pelabelan dan pengemasan produk perikanan dan ikan budidaya, wajib untuk digunakan dan diterapkan di wilayah Pabean EAEU, melengkapi dan tidak bertentangan dengan persyaratan yang termasuk dalam (i) Regulasi Teknis Produk Makanan dan Pelabelan TR TS 022/2011, (ii) Regulasi Teknis Keamanan Pengemasan Makanan TR TS 005/2011.
TR EAEU 040/2016 tidak berlaku untuk:
- Metode pemuliaan;
- Bahan makanan khusus yang mengandung ikan dan produk ikan (dengan pengecualian makanan bayi);
- Suplemen makanan berbahan dasar ikan, air avertebrata atau mamalia, ganggang atau tanaman air;
- Proses pengemasan, penyimpanan, pembuangan, pengangkutan dan perdagangan makanan dari ikan atau produk ikan dari produksi industri yang dimaksudkan untuk penanganan di EAEU;
- Produk non-makanan dari ikan dan produk ikan.
Persyaratan Keamanan Ikan dan Produk Perikanan
- Produk perikanan dan budidaya harus mematuhi persyaratan keselamatan yang ditetapkan dalam bagian ini, persyaratan keselamatan yang ditetapkan dalam Lampiran 1 hingga 6, serta persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam regulasi teknis TR TS 021/2011 Tentang Keamanan Produk Makanan
- Produk perikanan dan budidaya harus dibuat dari sumber daya hayati akuatik yang dipanen dari daerah penangkapan yang aman sesuai dengan data dari pemantauan terencana keselamatan sumber daya hayati perairan, yang dilakukan oleh badan resmi Negara-negara Anggota, dan dari fasilitas budidaya peternakan (perusahaan) yang aman dalam istilah kedokteran hewan. Data pemantauan harus diposting melalui Internet di situs web resmi dari badan resmi Negara-negara Anggota EAEU
- Produk makanan budidaya tidak boleh mengandung zat hormon alami atau sintetis atau organisme yang dimodifikasi secara genetik. Setelah dipasarkan di wilayah Pabean EAEU, tingkat residu maksimum obat hewan yang diperbolehkan, stimulan pertumbuhan hewan (termasuk obat hormon), obat (termasuk agen antimikroba), yang kandungannya dalam produk makanan budidaya yang berasal dari hewan dipantau pada dasar informasi mengenai penggunaannya (dengan pengecualian levomycetin (chloramphenicol), kelompok tetrasiklin, dan bacitracin) yang disediakan oleh produsen dan/atau importir, tidak boleh melebihi tingkat yang diizinkan yang ditentukan dalam Lampiran 2 Regulasi Teknis ini.
- Tidak diizinkan untuk mengedarkan produk perikanan dan budidaya berikut ini di dalam wilayah Pabean EAEU:
- produk yang terbuat dari ikan beracun dari keluarga Diodontidae (ikan balon, ikan landak), Molidae (mola-mola laut), Tetraodontidae (buntal) dan Canthigasteridae (blowfish);
- nan dan budidaya yang didinginkan dengan es harus disertakan dengan cara-cara memastikan drainase air.
- Pelabelan produk perikanan dan budidaya harus mematuhi persyaratan Regulasi Teknis TR TS 022/2011 Tentang ‘Food Products and Their Labelling’.
- produk yang tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik konsumsi berdasarkan organoleptik indikator;
- produk beku, memiliki suhu massa produk lebih tinggi dari minus 18 ° C;
- produk yang dicairkan selama penyimpanan;
- produk yang mengandung biotoxins berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia (phycotoxins).
Persyaratan Pengemasan dan Pelabelan.
- Produk perikanan dan budidaya harus dikemas dalam kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan kontaminasi (mengotori) produk.
- Pengemasan produk perikanan dan budidaya harus:
- memastikan keamanan produk perikanan dan budidaya dan sifat-sifat organoleptiknya yang tidak berubah selama masa simpan produk-produk tersebut;
- dibuat menggunakan bahan yang memenuhi persyaratan untuk bahan yang bersentuhan dengan makanan;
- disimpan di ruangan terpisah dalam kondisi yang menjamin keamanan produk perikanan dan budidaya. Untuk kapal, diperbolehkan menyimpan kemasan di ruang bawah kondisi yang menjamin keamanannya.
- Kemasan yang digunakan untuk menyimpan produk perikanan
Proses Penilaian Kesesuaian
Penilaian kesesuaian yang dipersyaratkan pada TR EAEU 040/2016 dilaksanakan dalam bentuk:
- EAC Declaration
- State registration of child nutrition according to the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 On food safety
- animal testing of unprocessed fish products of animal origin, live fish, and live invertebrate aquatic animals
Dokumen Pendukung
Dokumen pendukung harus disampaikan dalam bahasa Rusia atau bahasa resmi negara anggota EAEU, Dokumen tersebut terdiri dari:
- Test reports (Laporan hasil pengujian)
- data sheet
- Dokumen Teknis
- Salinan certificate of conformity
- Salinan quality management system certificate
- Protokol Audit Manufaktur untuk produksi masal
EAC Marking.
Produk yang disertifikasi menurut TR EAEU 040/2016 harus ditandai dengan tanda kesesuaian EAC sebelum dipasarkan. Penandaan kesesuaian harus dilampirkan pada kemasan, dokumen pendukung dan label sedemikian rupa untuk memastikan pengakuan dan keterbacaan sepanjang peredaran produk. Penandaan hanya dapat dilampirkan jika produk memenuhi persyaratan dari semua Regulasi Teknis yang berlaku.
Contoh Tanda EAC:
4. Standar.
STB adalah singkatan dari Standar Negara Republik Belarus yakni badan standar nasional Belarus. STB bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan dan menerbitkan standar nasional, serta mengkoordinasikan kegiatan badan standardisasi lainnya di Belarusia.
Selain itu terdapat standar GOST, yakni standar regional yang dikeluarkan olehInterstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Standar GOST pada dasarnya bersifat sukarela, namun individual negara anggota EAEU atau EAEU sendiri dapat menjadikannya wajib dengan memasukkannya ke dalam regulasi teknis.
Adapun beberapa standar STB dan GOST yang mengatur ikan dan produk ikan diantaranya:
- STB GOST R 50380-2003 Fish and fish products. Terms and definitions
- GOST 30812-2021 Standart RB Food fish products. Methods of Identification of Caviar of Fish of the Families Sturgeons and Paddlefish
- GOST 16676-71 Standard RB Canned fish. Fish soup and chowder
- GOST ISO 12877-2016 Standard RB Traceability of fish products. Information requirements in distribution chains for farmed fish products
- GOST ISO 12875-2016 Standard RB Traceability of fish products. Information requirements in distribution chains of caught fish products
- Instruction 4.2.10-21-25-2006 Parasitological quality control of fish and fish products
- GOST 20221-90 Standard RB Canned fish. Method for determination of deposit in canned fish oil
- GOST 34063-2017 Standard RB Preserves-pasta from fish, fish roe and krill meat. Technical conditions
- GOST 4.31-82 Standard RB Quality rating system. Canned fish and fish preserves. The nomenclature of indexes
- GOST 31781-2012 Standard RB Fish and products from it. Species identification of fish by IEF method
- GOST ISO 6887-3-2018 Standart RB Microbiology of the food chain. Preparation of samples for testing, initial suspension and tenfold dilutions for microbiological research. Part 3. Special rules for the preparation of fish and fish products
- GOST 3945-78 Standard RB Fish preserves. Fish of spiced salting
- GOST EN 14176-2022 Standard RB Fish food products. Determination of domoic acid in unprocessed bivalve molluscs, fish and ready-to-eat mussels by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using ultraviolet detection
- STB 1079-97 Premixes for agricultural animals, poultry and fish. Specifications
- STB 1316-2002 Fish, seafood and derived products. Method for determining the content of mercury by anodic stripping voltammetry on the TA analyser
- GOST 34813-2021 Standart RB Cod fish fillets frozen "Extra. Specifications
- GOST 31789-2012 Standard RB Fish, marine invertebrates and products of their processing. Quantitative determination of biogenic amines content by HPLC method
- GOST 34190-2017 Standart RB Frozen fish by-products. Technical conditions
- GOST 32130-2022 Standard RB Glass packaging. Cans for food fish products. General technical conditions
- GOST 6065-2012 Standart RB Canned fish in oil. Technical conditions
- GOST 31795-2012 Standard RB Fish, marine products and products of them. Method of determining the fraction of total mass of protein, fat, water, phosphorus, calcium and ash by the near-infra-red spectrometry
- GOST 34884-2022 Standard RB Fish, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic mammals, algae and products thereof. Terms and definitions
- GOST 7144-2006 Standard RB Canned smoked fish in oil. Specifications
- GOST 26829-86 Standard RB Canned and preserved fish. Methods of fat determination
- GOST 12292-2000 Standard RB Canned garnished fish with vegetables. Specifications
- GOST 33282-2015 Standart RB Fish fillet ice cream for baby food. Technical conditions
- GOST 814-2019 Standart RB Chilled fish. Technical conditions
- GOST 32428-2013 Standard RB Testing of chemicals of environmental hazard. Fish, Prolonged Toxicity Test. 14-Day Study
- GOST 6606-2015 Standart RB Small hot smoked fish. Technical conditions
- GOST 1368-2003 Standard RB Fish. Length and mass
- GOST 26664-85 Standard RB Canned and preserved fish and sea products. Method for determination of organoleptic characteristics net mass and parts components fraction of total mass
- GOST 10531-2013 Standard RB Canned fried fish in marinade. Specifications
- GOST 19341-73 Standard RB Canned fish
- GOST 26808-2017 Standart RB Canned fish and seafood. Methods for determination of dry matter
- GOST 1551-93 Standard RB Dry-cured fish
- GOST 34191-2017 Standart RB Fish, small, dried. Technical conditions
- GOST 21607-2008 Standard RB Frozen fish soups. Specifications
- GOST 32538-2013 Standard RB Testing of chemicals of environmental hazard. Deternination of bioconcentration in flow-through fish test
- GOST ISO 19343-2019 Standart RB Microbiology of the food chain. Detection and quantification of histamine in fish food products. High performance liquid chromatography method
- GOST 12161-2006 Standard RB Сanned fish with vegetables in tomato sauce. Specifications
- GOST 33638-2015 Standard RB Testing of chemicals of environmental hazard. Fish sexual development test
- GOST 16676-2019 Standart RB Canned fish. Ear and soups. Technical conditions
- GOST 32366-2013 Standard RB Frozen fish. Specifications
- GOST 34185-2017 Standart RB Preserves from small, uncut fish in sauce, dressing or oil. Technical conditions
- GOST 29136-91 Standard RB Fodder, meal from fish, mammals, cructacea and invertebrate animals. Toxicity determination method
- GOST 32744-2014 Standard RB Frozen small-ized fish. Specifications
- GOST 16978-2019 Standart RB Canned fish in tomato sauce. Technical conditions
- GOST 34188-2017 Standart RB Preserves from cut fish in sauce or dressing. Technical conditions
- STB ISO 12937-2003 Petroleum products. Determination of water content by Karl Fisher`s method
- GOST 13272-2009 Standard RB Canned fish liver. Specifications
- GOST 28972-91 Standard RB Canned fish and other sea products. Method for determination of actual acidity (pH)
- GOST 16978-99 Standard RB Canned fish in tomato souse. Specifications
- GOST 33803-2016 Standard RB Freshwater fish, dried and dried. Technical conditions
- GOST ISO 18538-2022 Standard RB Traceability of food fish products from shellfish. Information requirements in the distribution chains of farmed shellfish products
- GOST 32156-2013 Standard RB Canned of the pacific Salmon fishes natural and natural with oil addition. Spacifications
- GOST 16080-2019 Standart RB Pacific salted salmon fish. Technical conditions
- GOST 28758-97 Standart RB Compound feed for fish. Methods for determining water resistance
- GOST 8144-73 Standard RB Fishplate bolts for narrow gauge
- GOST 20546-2006 Standard RB Preserves of oceanic fish in spicy brine. Specifications
- GOST 32130-2013 Standard RB Glass jars for food products of fishing industry. Specifications
- GOST 24896-2013 Standard RB Live fish. Specifications
- GOST 7455-2013 Standard RB Canned fish in jelly. Specifications
- GOST 34187-2017 Standart RB Preserves from small headless fish in sauce, sauce or oil. Technical conditions
- GOST 34106-2017 Standart RB Food products and raw materials. A method for sequencing fragments of the mitochondrial genome of animals and fish for species identification in one-component products
- GOST 12028-2014 Standard RB Canned small herring fish in oil. Specifications
- GOST 26808-86 Standard RB Canned fish and sea products. Methods for determination of dry matters
- GOST ISO 18539-2022 Standard RB Traceability of food fish products from shellfish. Information requirements in the distribution chains of harvested shellfish products
- GOST 20352-2012 Standard RB Fish salted delicatessen roe. Specifications
- GOST 814-96 Standard RB Chilled fish
- GOST 27082-2014 Standard RB Canned and preserved from fish, water invertebrates, water mammals and algae. Methods for determination of total acidity
- GOST 3948-2016 Standard RB Fish fillet frozen. Technical conditions
- GOST 1304-76 Standard RB Fish and marine mammals fats for industrial use. Specifications
- GOST 34812-2021 Standart RB Fish food products. Methods for determination of helminth larvae viability
- GOST 7447-2015 Standard RB Hot–smoked fish. Specifications
- GOST 20056-2013 Standard RB Preserves of oceanic fish in special brine. Specifications
- GOST 34154-2017 Standart RB Guidance on irradiation of fish and seafood for the suppression of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms
- GOST 7631-2008 Standard RB Fish, non-fish objects and products from them. Methods of sensory and physical characteristics identification
- GOST 34811-2021 Standart RB Fish, aquatic invertebrates and products from them. Photometric method for the determination of phosphorus compounds
- GOST 31339-2006 Standard RB Fish, non-fish objects and products of their processing. Acceptance rules and sampling methods
- GOST 33680-2015 Standart RB Food products. Determination of benzo (a) pyrene in grain, smoked meat and fish products by TLC and HPLC
- GOST ISO 18537-2022 Standard RB Traceability of food fish products from crustaceans. Information requirements in distribution chains for captured crustacean products
- GOST 32801-2014 Standard RB Canned chopped fish, minced and fricassee. Specifications
- GOST 11482-96 Standard RB Cold smoked fish
- GOST 19588-2006 Standard RB Preserves of fish in special brine. Specifications
- GOST 13865-2000 Standard RB Canned fish in natural juice with oil. Specifications
- GOST 28698-90 Standard RB Small-sized salted fish
- GOST 32911-2014 Standard RB Cold-smoked small-sized fish. Specifications
- GOST 19182-2014 Standard RB Preserved from fish. Methods of buffer value determination
- GOST 33430-2015 Standard RB Canned fish roe and milt. Specifications
- GOST 6065-97 Standard RB Canned fried fish in oil
- GOST 7454-2007 Standard RB Canned of blanched, slightly dried or cured fish in oil. Specifications
- GOST 280-2009 Standard RB Canned smoked fish. Sprats in oil. Specifications
- GOST 25856-97 Standard RB Canned fish with vegetables in bouillon, marinade and various sauces. Specifications
- GOST EN 14526-2022 Standard RB Fish food products. Determination of the content of toxins of saxitoxin group in shellfish. High-performance liquid chromatography method with the use of pre-column derivatization by peroxide or periodate oxidation
- GOST 30054-2003 Standard RB Canned and preserved fish and other sea products. Terms and definitions
- GOST 32157-2013 Standard RB Canned fish. Method for determination of oil deposit fraction of total mass
- GOST 12250-88 Standard RB Canned fish with vegetables in oil
- GOST 32004-2012 Standard RB Iced small fish. Specifications
- GOST 27207-87 Standard RB Canned and preserved fish and other sea products. Method for determination of common salt
- GOST 7448-2021 Standard RB Salted fish. Technical conditions
- GOST 31792-2012 Standard RB Fish, marine invertebrates and products of their processing. Determination of dioxins and dioxin-like biphenyls content by GC-MS method
- GOST 21607-2021 Standard RB Sets of fish for soup frozen. Technical conditions
- GOST 7457-2007 Standard RB Canned fish pastes. Specifications
- GOST 7636-85 Standard RB Fish, marine mammals, invertebrates and products of their processing. Methods for analysis
- Instruction GK SJeN RF № 5319-91 Instructions for sanitary and microbiological control of the production of food products from fish and marine invertebrates
- GOST 7453-86 Standard RB Preserves from dressed fish
- GOST 23600-79 Standard RB Food concentrates. Dry soups with fish and seafood
- GOST 9393-82 Standard RB Fish and marine mammals veterinary oil
- GOST 7452-97 Standard RB Canned fish in natural juice
- GOST 29275-92 Standard RB Dietic canned fish in sauces
- GOST 7452-2014 Standard RB Canned fish natural. Specifications
- GOST ISO 16741-2022 Standard RB Traceability of food fish products from crustaceans. Information requirements in distribution chains for farmed crustacean products
- GOST 13356-84 Standard RB Board boxes for products of fishery
- GOST 7448-2006 Standard RB Salted fish. Specifications
- GOST 11771-93 Standard RB Canned and preserved fish and sea products. Packing and marking
- GOST 1573-2011 Standard RB Fish salted screened caviar. Specifications
- GOST 280-2021 Standart RB Canned fish. "Sprats in oil. Technical specification
- GOST 29276-92 Standard RB Canned fish for baby foods
- GOST 34743-2021 Standart RB Food fish products. Method for the determination of phycotoxins in bivalve molluscs by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
- GOST 17660-97 Standard RB Frozen fish gutted by special method. Specifications
- GOST 7630-96 Standard RB Fish, marine mammals, marine invertebrates, algae and products of their processing. Labelling and packing
- GOST 34742-2021 Standart RB Fish food products. Method for the determination of polyfluorinated contaminants by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection
- GOST 2116-2000 Standard RB Meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceous and invertebrates. Specifications
- GOST 27001-86 Standard RB Caviar and preserves from fish and sea products. Methods for determination of preservatives
- GOST 28914-91 Standard RB Canned and preserved fish and sea products. Method of determination of aluminium
- GOST 8714-2014 Standard RB Fish and aquatic mammals food oil. Specifications
Untuk informasi standar lainnya dapat dilihat disini
5. Lembaga Berwenang.
6. Informasi Lainnya.
- Gosstandart
- Eurasian Economic Union (eaeunion.org)
- Select the technical regulations of the Eurasian Union by the customs code online (ccis-expertise.com)